What if…
Since I started on the Ann Boroch Protocol a year ago it filled me with something more than hope, it changed the very inner me…. does that make sense!!… it sort of strengthened my resolution to keep trying and fight through the pain and discomfort no matter how difficult it got….
Over my first year there’s been times, not days or hours but minutes and then only seconds when I had doubts…. seconds that would fade away as I took deep breaths and reminded myself that it’s working, that overall I’m feeling stronger, more balance and stability and it had gotten easier to become accustomed to feeling better so that when a slight very temporary negative happened I let that take a dominant role…it was easy to forget that in reality I’d been diagnosed with what the world of traditional medicine, the neurologists, the people that are perceived to be experts in their profession all say… categorically state the disease I have is incurable. That’s their view, their opinion , that’s not what I know… not what I think or my misguided opinion… it’s what I know!!!!.
So take a second and think about what I’m saying and the difference between the multi billion dollar world of medicine, the doctors and neurologists, them and then me, they have an opinion, but I know and….. what if I’m right…