Either one or the other.
I write several times each week and have done since I started my blog more than seven years ago, originally it was called Optimalnutritions but in November 2012 I moved back to England after eleven wonderful years in Colorado, in the USA it was renamed Ratherbehealthy… So as I said, I write several times each week and more so after I started this special, challenging journey attempting to heal my burdened body. Rarely do I dwell on ideas or thoughts about this illness, multiple sclerosis is one of the world of medicine’s mysteries, they, you know the defeatist bunch that have literally been brainwashed into believing it’s incurable. Some of us know more than the experts in the multi billion dollar/pound conglomerates, ok sorry that’s not perfectly true, because they also know it’s nutrition and all things natural that can heal, but there’s no extortionate profit in that, so they lie and spend millions and millions on advertising and promoting drugs that cost them very little in comparison to the drug money they make…. see!! I get slightly carried away… oops sorry.
I decide to write and the words just come out, no preconceived idea…. The subject line… One or the other…. That’s referring to your view, your choice, and mine obviously because I write with the aim of motivation and inspiration, for myself and anyone reading this with MS or a different health challenge. Just about every illness and so called incurable disease can be eased or even healed when the true cause is addressed, by constantly filling the body with chemicals, non natural additives, herbicides, pesticides, E numbers and garbage the internal organs simply can’t cope with, then the body fails.
So knowing this, and most people do but choose to ignore it, you have a life choice….. live healthy and have a life or don’t..
If you want to, you’ll make it happen.. if it’s not important, you’ll make excuses.