
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I’ll start this post by stating that the ABProtocol is far and away the best and in my experience the only way to truly recover any real form of life after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis or any other of the many so called incurable diseases, I’ll just clarify that statement by saying the ABP doesn’t address every disease but there are many it does, and that’s simply my opinion….
When making the initial commitment after reading Healing Multiple Sclerosis I really didn’t truly understand how tough it would be, none of us did, but at the end of the day, regaining health is worth any sacrifice or discomfort. Looking back as I’m just about to complete my eleventh month, I’m amazed at how strong I was to get through the first two months, on saying that, I have to express my heartfelt gratitude to Janet Orchard for her help and guidance.

If this weather, the heat and humidity had been last year before starting this I really don’t think I could have got through it unscathed, it’s been a real pig for me but I’ve been able to cope… so far.
About six weeks ago I started taking CBD oil and it definitely helped, not massively but I noticed a difference, after reading several comments mainly from Juergen about the full spectrum oil I’d done a lot of research and searching for a reasonably priced UK supplier, I eventually found one and decided to give it a try.
I was quite apprehensive and nervous, that might seem ridiculous to some people, but I’ve never taken, injected or smoked any drug, I took .5 ml on Thursday evening then another .5 ml Friday morning. If I said I felt good physically I’d be lying because I felt way better that that, even the depressing heat didn’t slow me down. It’s not as if I was the complete opposite, I wasn’t on a “high” at least I don’t think I was, but my mobility as limited as it is, was easier and more fluid, if that makes sense.
I’m writing this at 11p.m. Friday, that’s about 15 hours after that minimal amount so this is being written from memory alone.
Needless to say I’m looking forward to continuing with this.

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