Too easy.
When I started this protocol nearly 9 months ago, I’d read the book and listened to advice from Janet, who in hindsight is the only one worth listening to, not family or friends or so called medical experts that in reality know diddly squat when it comes to genuine healing from multiple sclerosis. So at that time, I was how close to healing? oh yes, nowhere near, so I said to myself, “what do I have to lose”, the true answer is nothing to lose, but a life, my life to gain… For those that are healthy that don’t know, don’t truly understand what MS does, then getting life back probably sounds like a good thing but not that big a deal, for us however it’s massive, it’s everything, it’s like winning the jackpot on El Gordo…it really is. That being said, having MS and being given the option of staying sick and getting worse everyday for the next 4 years, or following a protocol and moving closer to life, what would you do. I know what my choice would be, my choice is I’m doing it, no question about it, no excuses, no variations, no, I’ll just have a break over the holidays or when I get back from… or after they go home or whatever… no freaking excuses just do it, it’s roughly 1460 days, some will be tough but most will be good, great, fantastic!!! When things are tough it’s far too easy to make excuses, but those other things are just that… things, not life, just things, look at life and put it into perspective, make a friend or relative feel good for an hour, a day or a week, or move closer to getting your life back. If on day 197 you stop, indulge, party or whatever, when you get back on track you aren’t starting back on day 198… no you are going back to day 1, I’m sorry if this seems harsh but it’s true, I tell it like it is… I honestly believe that in 1,187 days or less I’ll be healed, and that’s my priority….I