Jekyll and Hyde.
Does that seem strange!!! Well it’s like two different people that live in the physical body called Stefan, there’s the me that lived here up until February 2004, the healthy, physically active boy and man.. then all of a sudden with no warning he disappeared only to be replaced by a diseased man. So the two of us live here, tormenting each other, the healthy me of old is trying his hardest to get out again but that freaking diseased dude just won’t let go.. well he’s clinging like crazy not wanting the healthy me to get free.
There’s no doubt in the mind of either one of us that the Ann Boroch Protocol has laid an incredibly strong foundation that will support the healthy me, I firmly believe that this base and the illuminated runway will guide me home, I wasn’t impatient at all until I started to experience a speeding up of the “healing process” about a month or so ago when I increased my daily dosage of CBD oil. Of late the steady and solid daily improvements have…. sort of lit a fire in me, I’m trying to keep my enthusiasm held back. I’ve obviously budgeted for my weekly foods and supplements but not necessarily for the additional CBD oil that I strongly feel is responsible for the more rapid improvements.
As I’ve said before, I’m alone for all but an hour or two everyday, that doesn’t bother me in the slightest, but what it does do is give me a lot of time to think, to ponder about how it will feel to be healthier and capable of physical activity. So the calm, reserved and patient side of me just says, ” relax Stefan, it’ll happen when it happens”, but the other me is shouting, “get more CBD oil and heal sooner rather than later”, who wins, Jekyll or Hyde..