
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Butter or margarine..

From a health standpoint, there is an enormous difference between eating butter and margarine. The only reason to choose margarine would be that you actually prefer the taste to that of butter, and budget is limited. If you don’t want to eat butter for whatever reason, don’t make it worse by eating margarine. With margarine you are just adding one more toxic factor into your bodily environment-a factor that could easily be avoided.

When viewed under a microscope margarine is very close to plastic in its composition, so would you spread plastic on your bread, I don’t think so.

If you were to leave a tub of margarine and a tub of butter in your garden for a few days, what you’d find is that all the butter had been consumed by insects and animals. Whereas the margarine would be untouched even animals and insects wouldn’t touch it.

So I ask you to look differently at the ad’s promoting the plastic they want you to believe is edible, ok yes it is edible but it’s certainly not healthy.

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