
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Looking at the situation I find myself in, or in fact that of anyone suffering with this disease and in my case knowing I’m almost nine months into following the ABP.. the Ann Boroch Protocol, I consider myself to be a very, very lucky man.
Ok let’s step back in time, even just a year, if someone came to me, an MS sufferer for thirteen years at that time, and categorically stated… that if I were to strictly adhere to a plan that I would be healed in four years or less, I think I’d have been so excited but very sceptical about it. As it happens, a friend of mine, Mary in a little town in Wisconsin in the U.S. sent a link to a news story about the mysterious death of Ann Boroch who had healed herself of MS in only four years.
So I bought one of her books “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” and read it in a couple of days. Now it was obvious to me that this was something I had to do. I posted my excited thoughts on Facebook and started to list the additional supplements I’d need and noted foods I could and couldn’t eat.
The next day I received a message on Facebook from someone called ‘Janet Orchard who explained about her connection to the late Ann Boroch and her own personal progress using what is known as the ABP… Any concerns, doubts or scepticism I had completely disappeared, then on September 1st 2017 I embarked on what I know will be the hardest but most rewarding journey of my life.
So back to the question/statement about healing within four years, in hindsight, there is absolutely no need to feel sceptical, I personally think the journey can be split into percentages, my thoughts not a guarantee put into my head by anyone else, just my guesstimation… if I’m sticking rigidly to the protocol.
Year one… 10% improvement, then an additional… 20% in year two, another 30% in year three with the last 40% in year four. After eight and a half months I can easily count 25/30 things that are better, not brilliantly obvious to others but so reassuring to me.
Doing the ABP requires four things, absolute confidence, faith, patience and time.

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