
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I was “asked” about the specifics of the things that have improved since starting the ABP, thinking about it, it isn’t 20, it’s closer to 30, anyway I’m quite happy to list them, I just didn’t want to bore you all with what on paper seems trivial.
I’ve thought about it and just about all the improvements can fall into three categories: Balance, Strength and Coordination, all these things can blend into eachother, as simply moving and functioning requires our body parts and limbs to work in unison, I’ll list things down starting from first thing in the morning, anyway, here goes..
Being able to move from laying flat in bed to sitting up…. massively easier (1). Then reaching my water and pouring it into a glass, then drinking, no spillage which is great (2). I have to use a catheter and with my sleepy eyes and weakened fingers am able to do the necessary things so much easier, (3). Being able to raise my legs individually to put on my underwear is such a good feeling, (4). Getting to the bathroom and the several things involved which probably account for four more positives take my total to (8). I have a walker with wheels and brakes, I still have to take one step at a time rather than actually walking but it’s significantly better, (9). At my sofa and getting my first supplements, Serrapeptase 1 x 250,000 iu’s then 2 x Saltstick caps, Thyroaid caps and the only two drugs I take, Levothyroxin and Betmiga to help with the number of bathroom visits. Again lots of small bottle manipulation required so that’s at least two more (11). Getting to the bathroom and negotiating the walls and furniture twenty times per day is exhausting to say the least, but the improvements in my strength and stability have made it less demanding, what do you think…. hmm.. three more? yeah.. (14). I also have found it so much easier to reach, open and take the CBD oil, (15). I’ve certainly noticed a complete difference when physically writing, (16). Little but important things like being able to lift my left foot when furniture and wall walking, I’m bare footed 95% of the day so not crunching my toes back is so reassuring, (17). It’s easier raising a pint glass of water or a cup of red clover tea to drink, (18). There were often times I’d have been sitting awkwardly, almost laying and then having to struggle for 10 minutes and exhausting myself just trying to sit up, I know that sounds ridiculous, welcome to my world, that’s not happened lately, (19). Getting up off the floor after exercising, easier.. (20), something I couldn’t do before but can to once or twice each day is to stand up from a sitting position without resting on the furniture is so nice, (21). Making a clenched fist or feeling the solid muscles in my chest and shoulders…. wow.. (22). Being able to feel the toes on my left foot, flex and bend after 14 years, (23). Not feeling despondent and always, yes always feeling optimistic, (24). This morning I was able to do 15 squats easily, 10 is normal and my thighs felt great, strong and no negative effects after, (25). Not wanting to get into details but I’ve noticed so many other (male) improvements that in reality take my estimation to way over thirty and makes me really happy.

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