
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Over the years as I’ve experienced more of life, and I mean that in the way of having travelled, lived and worked in another country and more varied areas of existence it’s made me into a better person, not better than anyone else, just a better me. The last four years in America I was the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins, a great and very knowledgeable man, he’d taken his doctorate as a dentist and over a 50 year period became the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing. There’s no doubting his contributions to mankind, having saved, literally saved the lives of hundreds of people and dramatically improving that of thousands of others.

Okay, I’ve written of this before so why bring it up again?…. Because a very large percentage of doctors are simply treating symptoms by prescribing drugs that address a specific area and no more. To a certain extent, we the patients have dictated this course of action that’s changed the attitude of the medical profession. Fifty years ago a patient would tell the doctor what was wrong then the doctor using their knowledge and experience would try their best to correct the underlying cause. Things are different now, it seems that people want an immediate remedy in the form of a pill, “fix me now”…. so what’s happened is the pharmaceutical companies have become second largest industry, only to the oil and gas giants. “Healthcare” has become a big business, an extremely profitable one at that, it’s no longer “Healthcare” it’s now “Symptom management”.

Getting back to the subject line of this post, I was watching “The good karma hospital” on TV and Dr Fonseca a character said something I’ve heard hundreds of times in tv programs, she was referring to a Naturopathic doctor who in reality treats patients with a more holistic approach by correcting the cause, Dr Fonseca said to the patient “you need to see a proper doctor”, how insulting is that…..

Before the rise of Big Pharma and the give me a pill mentality, doctors were doctors not drug dispensaries.

Hopefully there will be a day when people realise that keeping people sick is big business and the world moves back to true healthcare.


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