Be honest….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Be honest with yourself..

I’ve been on the ABP for 6 months and 1 week, and if asked by anyone how I feel in comparison to before I started and I’d have to say… Freaking Amazing !!!!!  Okay.. Okay… let’s put some meat on the bones…. Having a disease, any disease that is classified as incurable means that the medical world say there is nothing that can be done in the way of healing, yes there are drugs that potentially slow the progression to a certain degree but as anyone with an ounce of common sense knows, the drugs…. all of them have side effects, and long term debilitating one’s. Now I know a large percentage of those reading this will have been on or still taking them, the reality of this is probably 99% will have believed what they were told by the neurologist and doctors when they said that was the only course of action open to them. As I’ve said before, when I sat with the neurologist who gave me the horrible news and my options, the shocked look on his face when I stated in a “matter of fact, you must be kidding” way that taking the drugs was never going to happen to me, was a picture never to be forgotten.

Back to my point… the progression of the disease means muscle atrophy, constant demyelination of the nerves in the brain resulting in reduced coordination and a constant reduction in functionality of certain organs and glands.

Back in August last year the ability of my body to function had obviously become very limited, I often fell and I’m amazed I didn’t do some serious damage, I could move around by furniture and wall walking but it was getting more and more difficult. Since then I’ve noticed hundreds of minor improvements, it’s funny how being able to pick a full glass of water up and drink from it without spilling, or standing and not wanting to immediately want to sit down, or flexing the toes on my left foot after 10 years of not being able feel them makes me so happy.

I’m 25 weeks into this, it’s not easy, it’s frustrating, it’s limiting in food choices and lots n lots of other reasons to stray, to lie to myself, which I did in the first two months…but the improvements I’m experiencing are massive justifications to do it properly. The other day I said I was 95% compliant, Janet and I talked and it appears that I’m not 95%, I’m 100%.

I know some others are struggling or not progressing as much as they hoped, think about it…. are there some foods you eat that you’d really like to be compliant but deep down you know they aren’t.

There are lots of people that have improved dramatically, so if you aren’t…think about, be honest with yourself.

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