
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


What can be frustrating while on this incredible protocol is how I can allow a ridiculous mental attitude to influence the progress I’m making, however….. my attitude is based on what I’ve learned recently and the solid nutritional background I already had, but is slowly but surely adjusting to reality and common sense…..

To explain…. as I’ve been improving physically so much more so over the past month than the previous four, I’ve been telling myself it’s ok to feel weak for a few hours after I’ve been physically pushing myself, whereas a month ago, no not a month, only a couple of weeks ago I’d feel so frustrated and a little disappointed that I could be feeling so good then so weak in the same two hour window.

I tell anyone that’ll listen, I tell my family, my carer and even the FedEx or Sainsbury’s delivery guy that I’ve been improving so much, I absolutely know it’s happening, I know 100% it’s happening, but when that change happens at indiscriminate times I allow a negative feeling to slide in. Admittedly it’s only ever for a matter of seconds, but annoying all the same.

I’ve got to make sure its the truth, the reality that takes the dominant place in my head and not the tainted, full of self importance ego that steps in to override what’s really happening.

The negative feelings and the weak part is only a very small percentage of my life and will soon have no place at all because I am healing, I am going to live again so you!!!! Negativity, weakness can sod off”…

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