I think that the foods I eat and the quality of supplements I take daily are instrumental in the progress I’m making, I want to clarify that statement and make sure I’m not giving the wrong impression here. Prior to starting the ABP I had a good diet, I don’t eat crappy, sugar laden nutritionally bereft foods, but I did eat foods that are forbidden on this protocol. Ever since I was diagnosed in 04 I’ve used good quality supplements, so nutritionally I think I’ve done well. Providing my body with good foods and supplements to ensure I was nutritionally supported was good but that was for any person, a human body, not specifically for someone with multiple sclerosis. So on September 1st I changed a couple my daily foods and over the following weeks I’ve added specific supplements that address the Candida which I was completely unaware of. The first two months were hard, I’d have as many bad days as good but the third month, November has been different, it’s an awful lot better, good days are far more common now and considerably better and the bad days aren’t really bad as such, they just aren’t as good as the run of consecutive good days. So to clarify, I still have MS, I still shuffle about clinging desperately to furniture and walls, I still have to take a three hour rest in bed from about 12.15 each day and I’m still having to go to bed, not sleep but be in bed by out 7 pm. But, and from a man that’s had MS for 13 years and struggled big time before reading “Healing Multiple sclerosis” and adopting this new regimen, things are so much better now and I believe 100% that I’m doing the right thing. The diet and supplements aren’t difficult to take everyday so sticking to this protocol isn’t a problem especially knowing that each day is taking me one step closer to my destination. Putting the right foods, nutrition and supplements inside the physical body I live in and just as or even more importantly, not putting the foods that harm me isn’t difficult to do especially knowing I feel physically better everyday. I honestly believe that meditating and telling myself I’m getting better, changing my attitude to not only being positive and genuinely believing, but really feeling it, is making a huge difference.