My promise.
In mid August Janet and I chatted on Facebook and after numerous chats it was agreed I’d start officially on a very special journey. I truly wanted to believe that it was not going to be a lifelong journey but one with a very specific destination. That destination was going to be an elusive place called Health, this elusive place is a very popular destination but sadly not visited by everyone that takes the first step towards it, not literally of course but mentally committing to it. It’s so sad because for one reason or another that commitment, that promise becomes an excuse, a reason why it’s just not a feasible journey to make. After seriously attempting at least fifty, probably closer to a hundred other possible solutions to a disease that the world’s medical profession say is incurable, I honestly believe that this method, perfected by an incredible woman is truly going to work. I’m not unique, I’m not special, I’m not lucky, I’m just determined. I’ve been more physically active than most people, I was a bit of an adrenalin junkie, that doesn’t make me better than anyone else, but it does make me selfish. I’ve been there, done that, have the T shirt and video, and I want it back. I’m big time p¥¥¥¥¥d off, I’ve had nearly twenty years of being sick…. I’m done.. I’m fed up with it. For this reason I’ve committed myself to this journey, I knew it was going to be long, like walking from Lands End to John O Groats, I feel I’m doing well, I’m getting better, I’ve no doubt about that. I think I’ve made it to Somerset in three months, still a very long way to go but I made a promise to myself, and anyone that knows me knows I don’t break my promises.