The finish line…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The finish line.

As anyone with multiple sclerosis, or any seriously debilitating disease knows, the options and choices during each day are very limited,  shall I read now or later? should I watch a movie on Netflix? What am I going to have for lunch? It’s not exactly challenging. No it’s not but when the most important thing in your life is what do I need to do to save my life, then the other things become a pleasant distraction from the multitude of things whizzing around your brain. Obviously I’d like to be able to live a decent life for what I believe will be at least another 25 years, so as a healthy man which I’ll be I have to find a way of earning money, disability benefits are enough.. ish while I’m sick and disabled but it won’t be there when I’m better. With this in mind I think I may have found the way and I’m excited about it, I’m not going to share the specifics yet but hopefully in a month I’ll have good news, but that’s for later.

First thing this morning and right through to now which is early Friday afternoon I’m feeling really good, I did notice my afternoon weakness but it definitely wasn’t anywhere near as bad as previous days. Midway through my third month and the bad days are not as bad and the seem to be a week or more apart, so all I was told at the start of this journey is actually happening. No one is going to tell you a specific day when you’ll feel stronger or be able to walk or any of the thousands of milestones that will litter our journey. We are all different in millions of ways, our age, our age when we got it, where we live, our support system or lack of, I think all of those things are going to be influential but none more so than one thing and that is following the plan and sticking to it. We all make mistakes and I know I’m guilty of it as much or more so than anyone else, but recognising them and accepting that as a weakened body our minds have to take up the slack and mentally push and push toward that finish line.

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