
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


While I firmly believe that the main factor exacerbating and perpetuating my MS is Candida related, I also believe that the parasites in my gut are making this even worse. I think when we hear of parasites the natural thoughts lead to something disgusting that can only happen to people in third world countries, sadly that’s not the case. For some unbeknownst reason parasites are not mentioned, not talked about by doctors, but it’s estimated that more than 250 million people in what is considered the civilised world to be suffering with parasitic infections.

Parasites can be as tiny as single celled Guardia to a 60ft long Tapeworm, not nice and guess where they live, primarily in the gut.

The gut is full of both neurons and neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin. It makes up what is known as the enteric nervous system. The gut and the brain have a direct relationship, commonly called the gut-brain axis.

This relationship means that distress in the gastrointestinal tract can show up in the nervous system.

When there is inflammation in the gut, this can lead to inflammation in the brain.

Likewise, inflammation in the brain has also been linked to directly cause inflammation in the gut.

Inflammation of the brain will cause mental distress, like depression, anxiety, and cognitive disorders and autoimmune disorders.

Many times, autoimmune conditions have a relationship to one another. The autoimmune flare-ups that have been documented to be specifically related to parasitic infection are gut and joint related, parasitic infections are more common than you may think.

Many times, a parasite can thrive in the human body and show no signs of its presence.

Other times, a person will feel constantly ill, be on several medications (including antipsychotic drugs), and have no idea that a chronic parasitic infection is at the root of their problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and reactive arthritis.

With this in mind I’ve invested in a Zapper, without getting too complicated here I’ll just say that the Zapper, both the Dr Hulda Clarke and Don Croft  versions have been used very successfully by many thousands of people to kill parasites. Mine arrived yesterday so I’m very excited about using it today.

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