Imagine waking up one morning in a cold dark cave, you’re confused obviously so you wipe the sleep from your eyes and are pleased initially to realise that 30 ft from of you is a narrow opening leading out into the fresh air, seems great until you see that in front of the opening is a sleeping grizzly bear. Your immediate thoughts are that you are absolutely terrified but if you are really quiet you might be able to sneak past him and get out to freedom. You start to get up as quietly as possible but as you move just the tiniest bit there’s a loud cracking sound that disturbs the Grizzly so you freeze to avoid making anymore noise and waking him. As the light gradually seeps into the cave you can see that the floor is covered with peanuts, oh crap that was where the noise came from, now what are you going to do. Your friend appears at the entrance and is making gestures for you to stay where you are and don’t make a fuss or you’ll wake the bear. As your eyes become accustomed to the dark you can see that there’s a big stick just behind you, you lean back to grab the big stick but as you do lots of the peanut shells crack, your friend is waving frantically for you to stop.
Options…. One is to sit still and not make any noise, you’ll probably last for a month but with no food, water or movement that would be horrible, it would be a terrible way to die. Option 2 is to grab the stick, make a rush for the opening and whack the bear. Option 3 is to see if you can prod him and try to encourage him to leave the cave. Well options one and two are no, no’s for me so I guess my only option is to poke the bear..