Disease cannot live..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Disease cannot live.

Disease cannot live in an oxygenated environment, that is a fact and has been very clearly shown on numerous occasions by the top independent researchers in the world, look at blood cells under a microscope that has been infected with any  disease. The cells should all be uniform in shape and totally separate from one another but when a disease is present the cells are all deformed and bunch together. When oxygen is part of the individual cell the shape is restored enabling the healthy blood to do the many jobs it has to do to keep you alive and functioning correctly. The obvious question is firstly why is this not the first course of action to those that are supposed to help us. Doctors… the teams of medical professionals that have been trained in the intricacies of health? The answer to that question is that they have been heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies around the world, big Pharma collectively do not… I’ll say it with more emphasis, DO NOT make cures for any disease, they make customers, millions and millions of them which in turn makes them billions in profit, not turn over but profit.

Getting the blood to become healthier, more oxygenated to effectively cure all disease with zero side effects is simply not a profitable thing to do if you rely on mankind to buy your products. Only sick people which is rapidly becoming the norm, take pharmaceutical drugs, if you get them healthy, you lose your customers.

There is a fairly inexpensive product that has recently been made available after some extensive testing that I’m hopefully going to be trying shortly, I’ll keep you updated on my progress. There’s no doubt it works, it’s just a case of will it work with me.

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