When amalgams are replaced by the dentist, and hopefully a dentist that has been through
the official training with Dr. Huggins, he or she should only place filling
material back into your teeth that is bio compatible with your blood. There are
lots of good filling materials available to dentists, some good because the
supplier/manufacturer is providing this product at a good price or a special
deal for the dentist. But that doesn’t mean it’s good for you the patient, what
is good for you is a material that is bio compatible with your body which is
essentially one that will not have any adverse reactions when placed into your
How is this done? Well there are several ways but in my opinion there is one that
is more accurate than the others.
You will often be told about “muscle testing” or kinesiology, this is where the
dentist will have you hold a particular material in one hand then ask you
questions while pressing down on the opposite arm which is extended out.
I don’t really have a great deal of confidence in this method, I’m sure there are
some very qualified practitioners in this field but I’m a little uncomfortable
with this method, I just feel that it can fluctuate if you or the dentist had a
bad night last night.
So from my experience and having researched the various ways of identifying which
material is going to be safe in your teeth/body I always come back to the bio
compatibility test.
This is done by calling Bio Comp Labs is Colorado Springs, 1 800 331 2303.
They will send you a kit which you take to a lab such as LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics;
the kit includes instructions for the lab and the necessary vials.
Your blood is drawn then spun on a centrifuge to separate the blood from the serum.
The serum is then put into a small vial which is put into a larger vial then
into a polystyrene box and finally into a cardboard box. This is very important
and part of the kit that is sent to you. You should then overnight it back to
Bio Comp Labs, this should never be done on a Friday as it will wait in a truck
for two days until Bio Comp Labs open on the Monday morning. So ideally have
the blood draw first thing on a Monday morning on an empty stomach, fast for at
least 10 hours, then overnight it to Bio Comp.
They will basically run tests with your blood serum against the 96 materials that
dentists have the ability to use plus another 3000 chemicals to identify what
material your body will tolerate. Please note that I said your body…not some
other person’s body just yours. So they will specifically tell the dentist what
is safe for you, a material that your blood is saying is acceptable for you.
Now this is a more scientific method but even this cannot be 100% accurate,
it’s close but the human body is a fragile/delicate and unpredictable thing.
Bio Comp Labs will then mail or email a 62 page document to the dentist so you can
feel confident he or she knows which product is safe for you. The dentist can pre order this product if
they don’t have in on their shelves.
The kit is free to you and will be sent upon your order which you can do over the
phone or online.
The cost of the test was $275 in April 2011, but remember you’ll have to pay for the
blood draw with whatever lab you chose to use.
There is another company that professes to do this test accurately, however I don’t have
a great deal of confidence in them. I know at one time they didn’t test for aluminum which I’m sure
most people realize is a major contaminant. With this in mind I would only use Bio Comp Labs.
Now I know some people will complain about the price, this is your choice, is your
life worth $275?
Don’t have it done and take the risk that the dentist will somehow manage to place a
filling material into your teeth that your blood will not have an adverse
reaction to. You’ll often be told that a particular material is good for most people,
this statement may be true, but then again are you most people?
I’ve probably talked with more than 5,000 people who thought the same way and
regretted it because they came down with Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia or another
of the many diseases waiting to find an unsuspecting body to thrive in.
Sequence of removal.
Although your average everyday biological dentist may well agree that replacing your amalgams is an important thing to do, by the way he is not allowed to tell you that the mercury laden amalgam is unsafe let alone downright dangerous. The ADA or American Dental Association (who should really be called the We don’t give a crap about your health association) will penalize the dentist if he or she tells you about the dangers of mercury, in fact he or she will lose their license to practice as a dentist if they divulge this information. So don’t be too hard on them for keeping this to themselves, they are just being selfish for only thinking about their own livelihood, actually I personally think that you should be hard on them and never ever use them again.
Ok now to sequential removal, a dentist trained in Dr. Huggins methods will practice sequential removal of fillings. A Rita meter is used to identify the electrical signal being emitted by the filling, the signal is recorded by his assistant on a chart so the dentist will know the exact order of removal and replacement.
When this sequence is not adhered to there can be major problems, in fact if this is not done then 63% of patients develop an autoimmune disease. This doesn’t necessarily happen overnight, but days, weeks, months or even years later this can happen.
When it does, you don’t automatically think it had anything whatsoever to do with the dental work, but it was.
Over a period of years I talked with more than 17,500 people, lots of them were very sick or were calling on behalf of a family member. I would ask about the dental work and would often be told that the person believed they had had the work done safely by a reputable biological or holistic dentist. However the dentist didn’t follow the Huggins protocol or any safety precautions at all.
There is so much more to know about and I don’t feel a page of explanation will do this justice, so I strongly recommend that you call either Huggins Applied Healing in Colorado Springs, or look at the list of Huggins trained dentists listed on my site.
If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.
My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99