For most of my adult life I worked in a sales or sales management role, this was primarily in the I.T. industry and most was done either working in London or based there. Now there were problems and negatives but that was the job. Having to get up really early like 5.00 am and then being in the car driving to work for an hour and a half or two hours was a pain in the butt. Obviously driving a thousand miles or more just getting to and from work definitely was challenging and very tiring especially knowing that that didn’t contribute to my actual working day.
But the positives certainly out weighed the negatives, I had a decent car that was maintained and insured by the company and private healthcare and of course a good salary with the option of great commission. Being in this position for most of the time seemed good as long as the pressure to do the job successfully didn’t get to be too much to cope with.
I’m telling you this because my attitude to sales especially when the product being sold required the prospect to part with hundreds of thousands of pounds, my biggest sale was a computer maintenance contract to British Gas for £700,000 and that was in 1989.. I always felt that it was best to actually provide them with a compelling argument that enabled them to chose to buy rather than me coaxing or trying to persuade them.
My point is that this method obviously worked and it’s working on me…..everyday I read my affirmations and statements in an attempt to provide my mind with a justifiable reason to heal itself. The efforts both physically and mentally are exhausting but I know in my heart that it has to be done. I’ve sold a lot over the years, some small and some very expensive but in reality this is the biggest and most important of my life.
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