Is it ?

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I think we all have hopes and desires, obviously they are all going to differ in various ways and be biased towards yourself or your loved ones but I wonder if they can or ever will be achieved. I think that probably 99.9% won’t ever come to fruition and that’s sad because my desires are no more important or valuable than yours. But I honestly believe that mine will happen, I often meditate and repeat a mantra if you will, “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy”. That, when looked at is completely wrong at this time in it’s entirety. But part of it is true now, I’m not whole or perfect, but I am strong, extremely powerful in my mind and although there’s no one in my life, I am loving, harmonious and happy. I often chant, I am fabulously wealthy and perfectly that definitely isn’t true now but it will be, of that I am 100% certain.

Looking and grasping at straws, isn’t going to improve anything, instead of looking outside for potential options, I believe (and this is purely my opinion, nothing more) that by looking inside is the way to be. I believe 100% in me, it may not be be the right way for you but then again, Is it ?

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