I’m not a slave to my DNA, I’ve been a slave to my perception, the neurologist in 2004 and in 2013 told me I had MS so that’s what I believed. My perception of the dangers of the disease, the symptoms were that this was slowly going to completely debilitate me and likely end my life in a horribly painful way. That was my perception initially, I know I didn’t then and haven’t taken the drugs. Drugs that feed the perception and address some of the symptoms so no, I wouldn’t contaminate my brain and my body.
I’ve always been positive and maintained an optimistic attitude and although it’s been really difficult, I’ve managed.
This has enabled me to live a slightly better life than what could be perceived as an existence. I’m not interested in existing, that’s not an option for me, I want to freaking live, I want to be able to run the streets and drive a fast car and make passionate love with a woman again . The problem here is that the disease I was diagnosed with is according to every medical professional I’ve seen over the past twelve years is that it’s incurable. Sadly for 99.9% of sufferers that’s true, why, because that’s the perception they’ve had after consulting with the neurologist or doctor. I’ve been guilty of the same thing, inside I’ve always told myself that yes I do have this disease and yes according to the specialists, the neurologists, the experts it’s unbeatable. So that’s been my perception, it’s incurable butI will win against all odds, but that’s where I’ve been going wrong. I’ve been a slave to their perception not mine.
I believe 100% that I have symptoms, symptoms that are problematic for me but definitely not insurmountable. I’m not living in a fantasy world, I’m living in a world that anything is possible if you believe it.
I was guilty then but I’m not guilty now, now I know the truth.
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