Slaying the dragon…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


In everything I do I have a challenge, be it sitting more comfortably on the sofa, getting around the flat or anything really, being me living in this body is a challenge. So how would you personally cope, having the experience of being so physically active and now having what feels like wearing 25 kilo weights around your wrists, elbows, ankles and knees. Frustrating, infuriating, humiliating and very, very scary…

But, don’t think I’ve given up because that’s never going to happen, I am very lucky because I believe, I have faith. I have complete confidence because the ultimate power governing all life is with me. Is it God, yes, is it Universal law, yes. As I’ve said before in my mind they are one and the same, it’s just easier for some to perceive this in one way or the other, you chose for yourself.

There are times during every day that I’ve stumbled or fell and for a moment then yes I do wonder if what I’m doing is right. But then I stop my mind from doubting, it’s difficult but in my heart I know that now I have to step up to the plate…now I know that it’s down to me and me alone, now I have to slay the Dragon of negativity..

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