Cheap Japanese watch….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


A commercial on TV brags about their product having plants stanols which are actually “phytosterols”, the advertisers state that they help in lowering cholesterol.

Now that may be correct, I’m not going to argue there, my disgust and it is disgust is the way these companies can make a statement that quite frankly is a blatant lie. What is so sad is that the research justifying this is 50 years old. Being this old in itself isn’t automatically wrong because it’s old but it’s wrong because literally hundreds of times by incredible researchers around the world, this has been proven wrong. The commercial I’m referring to was promoting an alternative to butter, Benecol the spread in question can do part of what it states. The problem is by lowering cholesterol it’s certainly not doing you a favour, when there are contaminants and toxins trying to attack everything good in the body then normally the natural defender which is cholesterol would kick the butt of the bad guy’s. But having been artificially lowered, it simply isn’t there to do the job it was DESIGNED to do.

As I’ve said many times before all three types of cholesterol, that’s HDL, LDL and VLDL  all have a specific part to play in keeping the human body alive  and well. The pharmaceutical giants make billions, multiple billions by pushing this disgusting drug. Statins do lower cholesterol as do plant stanols but this is why so many people get heart attacks, toxins attack various organs including the heart at this point cholesterol the second biggest natural detoxifying substance would normally protect you but the ugly statins  and spreads like Benecol have stopped them. So big pharma and the synthetic food giants make lots more money by lying like a cheap Japanese watch.


Note: The comment, “like a cheap Japanese watch” is not and should not be perceived as a disparaging comment to the beautiful country and people of Japan. Its simply a phrase used back in the 70’s and 80’s referring to the abundance of cheap digital watches.

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