My choice alone….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


As each day passes and although I find it hard to come to terms with this dilemma, each passing day takes me further and further away but at the same time takes me closer and closer. Strange really as the exact same thing can be doing two completely opposite things at the same time. I wake up and of late my thoughts are only positive ones, yeah… I’m awake and feeling good, no, it’s not a good as in thinking I’m feeling better than yesterday, no, this is just, I’m feeling good so I have a smile on my face. The way I think is that there is absolutely no point in making comparisons. If that were the case then the day after the most amazing thing that happened, be it the birth of my daughter or when I won a fantastic holiday through work in 1987 or my first free fall jump or whatever then the day after was going downhill. So I cannot allow that indulgence which in reality breeds negativity, and I just will not allow negativity into my life. No, I’m just happy, I’m pleased, I have so many more fantastic days, times and experiences to look forward to.

Getting further away is getting further away from my day of birth, I’m so lucky, I’m so blessed to have gotten this far and knowing, yes Knowing I’m getting a day closer to being fabulously wealthy and perfectly healthy. Oh and don’t roll your eyes or tut tut, it’s really happening because it’s my choice alone and no one has a say in the matter..


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One Response to “My choice alone….”

  1. pinscher Says:

    many thanks for sharing source files. many thanks