Interesting day..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Interesting day, not particularly good, but it’s making me think. 


I’m not sure exactly how to interpret the feelings and sensations I’m having. I started a slightly different regimen of food and drink a few days ago and I’m sort of getting mixed messages. After day one I felt good all over, mentally and physically. But today (Monday) I’m feeling different, a little weak in general. Now my initial thoughts are that any significant change in added nutrition will result in the body struggling to deal with it. There’s something called “die off” where the body is attempting to eliminate essentially the “bad guys” living in the filter organs, liver, kidneys, heart and brain. So my logic is that I’ve got to feel worse while this is happening before I’ll feel better.

It’s now almost 10pm, by 8.00 I had become terribly weak again, it wasn’t the heat or humidity or at least I don’t think so as it wasn’t a hot day here and I had a window open all the time. Anyway using my trusty walker I managed to get to bed.

I want to make this very clear, I’m writing these posts for my own benefit, sort of keeping track of my progress or lack of recently.

I don’t want people to feel sorry from me, this is my life, it’s a challenge, yes, but it could be a awful lot worse than it is so I see this as an obstacle to get past, and I will.

Tuesday morning and after a good rest and a time restoring my faith I feel good. It’ll be interesting to see how I’m feeling later on today after my drinks etc. I’m really hoping that I haven’t been having a negative reaction to my drinks and as I said it is “die off” which hopefully won’t last too long.

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