Over the last three days I’ve been following a recommendation from a good friend of mine, Echoe is an amazing woman and has got to the the best medical researcher I’ve ever known and I’m not referring to pharmaceutical drugs but genuine natural health products.
The information she’d come across had been done by Harvard, Brigham Young and Johns Hopkins so this had been done by three well respected university’s.
Vitamin D3 is incredibly beneficial to the human body, being able to get it absorbed and metabolized in large doses is extremely difficult. So when research was done and the effects proven using Vitamin D3 cream this has been quite incredible to say the least.
What isn’t well known is that vitamin d3 is an absolute necessity for more than 2,000 Genomes to function correctly. A Genome is the complete composition of every organism in the body, cells, DNA etc.
It’s been accepted that small amounts like 400 to 600 I.U.’s( international units) are the general requirement, but the research has shown mega doses of 40,000 + I.U.’s is making massive differences in people suffering with an autoimmune disease.
As I said I’ve been trying this and definitely feeling better. Because getting hold of AnuMed vit d3 cream is difficult I’ve been restricted to much lower dosage so far. My high dose cream won’t get here for a couple of weeks so I’ll have to use smaller doses in the meantime.
Needless to say I’m very excited and optimistic.
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May 3rd, 2016 at 11:19 am
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