I wonder sometimes about my attitude towards my health, I know that I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis officially in 2004 and that I’d been experiencing symptoms since 1997. So I’ve been sick for nearly one third of my life, but I honestly believe I will beat this so called incurable disease.
If I look at it logically, looking at the facts laid out by the medical fraternity then I should just accept their diagnosis but in my head knowing what I was taught by Dr Huggins and all I’ve read by the foremost alternative health professionals then staying sick is not an option.
I will keep trying, I will keep reading and using my knowledge and experience of body chemistry re-balancing to restore my health.
Yes I’ve been sick for nearly ⅓ of my life, but i’ve done and seen so much in the first 43 years that has ingrained my desire to live life and not to simply exist.
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April 29th, 2016 at 3:11 am
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