New year, new me..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I’ve used the new Youngevity supplements for a month and I have nothing but good things to say about them, I’m certainly seeing and feeling more positive and optimistic results than at any other time in my MS life,

Unfortunately there was a four day break between my first month’s supply and my second which resumed today. But on a positive note there didn’t appear to be a slowing down or backward step to my progress.

Infact today before my lunch I was able to get on the bike and ride for 5 minutes without stopping, I even got completely off without any help. I realise that probably sounds like a nothing event to most people but rest assured that was absolutely amazing for me.

When everyday events are extremely difficult and absolutely wear me out, to experience positive effects as in today make me feel so good. I really am looking forward to my new year and new me..


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