The three worst foods…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food

I know this is going to upset a lot of people but it has to be said, the three

worst foods you can put into your body are as follows:

Sugar, alcohol and caffeine, in that order.

All carbohydrates consumed will at some point be converted into sugar in the body;

the average consumption of sugar worldwide is more than 43 lbs per person per


That isn’t the case for Americans where sugar is consumed at a much higher level; in

fact it’s closer to 140 lbs per person per year.

The problem is that sugars will imbalance the chemistries of carbohydrate

metabolism and it does this more dramatically than anything else.

Sugar affects the balance of calcium and phosphorus these two should have a ratio of

2 ½ to 1, an ideal balanced ration is 10 mg% to 4 mg% of calcium to phosphorus.

When this balance is upset you may experience calculus on the teeth, cataracts in

the eyes, kidney stones, gallstones, arthritis or arterialsclerosis. However, correcting

this imbalance has shown a reversal in these problems.

A good alternative to sugar is not the sugar substitutes like Aspartame or high

fructose corn syrup, but honey or agave nectar.

I’ll mention this now before I forget; aspartame is probably in close to 9,000 food

and drink products. Aspartame has been shown to mimic the

detrimental effects of multiple sclerosis. It affects the pancreas negatively,

believing it has to deal with sugar and addressing the insulin issue when in

reality that isn’t a problem so the pancreas is overworked. It’s the “cry wolf”

syndrome so when the pancreas is actually called into play it simply can’t do

its job properly.

Aspartame is converted into methanol, then into formic acid (fire ants inject formic acid

when they bite) then into formaldehyde which as you know, is embalming fluid,

not nice for the living body.

Alcohol, most populations around the world have alcohol built into their social life, in

fact when a person doesn’t drink alcohol he or she is often seen as a strange


I’ll not go into depth on this subject because I believe most people already know of

the detrimental effects alcohol can have on your liver and kidneys.

I think you all know that spirits are harder on your body than beer or wine,

wine is probably the easiest for the body to assimilate and has less harmful

effects on your chemistries. White wine is closer to the body’s natural ph so

is easier to deal with. I suppose if you are going to drink when you socialize

then white wine would be considered more acceptable.

Caffeine, looking back on my time with Dr. Huggins I distinctly remember him talking more

negatively about caffeine than anything else. In fact I remember him telling me

that if caffeine disappeared off the face of the earth then probably 40% of

doctors would be out of work.

One cup of coffee requires roughly 3 units of insulin to metabolize; a doctor had a

relative with diabetes who was taking 18 units of insulin per day. He asked how

much coffee he drank and was told about 6 cups per day. He put two and two

together as in 6 cups of coffee each requiring 3 units of insulin equaling 18

units. He explained his understanding and suggested not drinking coffee as a

way of eliminating the diabetes. He stopped drinking coffee but continued with

the insulin at the same dosage which resulted in insulin shock. I’m not suggesting you take this action believing it will rid you of diabetes however it should be considered

and discussed with your medical professional.

There are about 30 mgs of caffeine in the average candy bar (chocolate), you’ll find

about 125 mgs in a cup of coffee, however a regular Starbucks contains around

250 mgs and their Grande has approximately 550 mgs.

Starbucks also put other ingredients in their coffee (excitotoxins) which make you crave

a “Starbucks” not just a coffee.

You’ll also find caffeine in most tea’s plus soft drinks; this can vary from as little

as 34 mgs to more than 70 mgs.

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