Freedom of choice..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

You almost can’t go anywhere today without being bombarded with gratuitous mainstream media celebrations of Caitlyn Jenner. Formerly known as Bruce Jenner, Caitlyn is being heralded as an example of the “free choice” that the media likes to push for gender self-identity, gender preference, non-traditional gender marriages and so on.


But at the very same time all this is happening, that same mainstream media is insidiously plotting to destroy your own choice on key issues like vaccines — all while falsely claiming they’re somehow “pro-choice.”


Americans should have a choice about what gender they identify with and what gender restrooms they use, we’re told in a condescending tone, but they should have NO CHOICE about whether they are injected with toxic, brain-damaging vaccines laced with mercury, aluminum, MSG and other neurotoxic chemicals.


That’s what this article explores: the double standard being pushed by the media. And for the record, by the way, just to make sure you don’t misunderstand the tone of this article, I’m not condemning Caitlyn Jenner in any of this. As you’ll see here, I’m a champion of personal freedom to choose in ALL areas of life, and so although I don’t share Caitlyn’s personal choices, what she does with her life and her body is HER choice, and that’s fine by me. Keep reading to see why I’m one of the few true defenders of universal choice and liberty in a world full of people who demand your conformity, obedience and surrender to their twisted agendas.


To begin, here are five key areas in which the media is actively destroying your freedom to choose, all while claiming to be “pro-choice.”


#1) The media is pushing to take away your free choice on vaccines

If Caitlyn Jenner publicly stated that she opposed vaccines, would her “choice” still be celebrated by the media? Of course not. She would be condemned as a heretic.


According to the mainstream media, you shouldn’t have a free choice on vaccines. All parents and children should be forced to be vaccinated against their will, even when that choice involves the state injecting unwilling people (without consent) with toxic substances that include the heavy metal mercury.


Never mind the fact that vaccines have already been proven to have caused widespread brain damage in hundreds of children across Europe, or that 75% of the children recently vaccinated in a Mexican town had to be hospitalized due to extreme vaccine damage. Nor do they reveal that the British press is now covering vaccine damage news with great frequency, asking why so many thousands of young girls are being harmed, paralyzed or hospitalized by HPV vaccine shots.


Even though the entire leftist media is “pro-choice” when it comes to the issue of abortion — and they proclaim that the government has no business telling a woman what to do with her body — that stance is utterly abandoned and perverted into “NO choice” when it comes to the government invading a woman’s body with forced vaccines. Click here to see my vaccine video, “My Body, My Choice!”


A new website has just been launched called Stop Mandatory Vaccination. The founder of that site, Larry Cook, is a courageous and intelligent individual who’s trying to protect your rights against a corrupt, criminal industry seeking to destroy them.


Why isn’t the mainstream media celebrating Larry Cook? The answer is obvious: because vaccine profits fund the mainstream media’s advertising departments.


Help support Larry Cook at this GoFundMe page, and spread the word to help stop mandatory vaccinations.


#2) The media is pushing to take away your personal choice on avoiding GMOs

The same media celebrating Caitlyn Jenner is also in bed with Monsanto, promoting pro-GMO propaganda and claiming Americans don’t deserve a choice on food labeling because “GMO labels might be confusing.”


So let me get this straight: A man deciding he’s a woman although he still has biological male parts isn’t confusing, but a GMO label on a can of soup is confusing?


What we’re also being told by the media is that it’s not confusing for a biological man to use a public woman’s restroom as long as he “identifies” as a woman, but it’s way too confusing for grocery shoppers to look at a label and see the word “GMO.”




That’s how discredited Monsanto sellout publishers like the Washington Post have now become entirely whored out to GMO interests, pushing out articles from its editorial board that look like they were written word for word by the Monsanto public relations department… which is basically run by demons spawned from Hell.


#3) The media is pushing to take away parental choice on how to raise their own children

While celebrating the “choice” of a man becoming a woman, or a woman becoming a man, the mainstream media routinely attacks parental choice, claiming that parents should have no rights and that only the government should control decisions affecting children.


Home schooling is under constant assault nationwide, and the media aggressively pushes for parents to surrender their children to government-run public school indoctrination centers so they can be properly “educated” in false reality.


Parents are also viciously condemned for letting their children play outside. Yep, it’s a “crime” now to let your children play in the sunshine. The entire issue of “free-range children” has become huge lately, as police keep arresting children who are playing in parks near their homes.


Parents also shouldn’t have any choice about the medical treatments their children receive, we’re told, because then they might choose horrible, scary, dangerous treatments like vitamin D, medicinal herbs and superfoods that boost immunity and prevent disease.


Nope, parents can never be allowed to make choices because those choices might not agree with the corporate-run fascist government monopolies on health care, mental health and the ever-profitable psychiatric drugging of children. So while a grown man is celebrated for choosing to say he’s now a woman, that same grown man will be harshly condemned if he says, “No ADHD drugs for my child!”

Caitlyn Jenner has a tremendous opportunity to call for universal freedom and personal liberty

Interestingly, Caitlyn Jenner is in a unique position right now to publicly call for universal freedom and respect for personal liberty. Because she’s been so widely celebrated by the media, she has a very strong position of influence across much of the popular culture right now, and if she chose to, she could use that position of influence to declare her support for important principles of freedom such as:


  • The freedom to parent without the government dictating decisions involving your children.


  • Health care freedom / the freedom to choose your own medicine without the drug companies, doctors or governments ordering you to do something against your will.


  • Cognitive freedom / the freedom to think for yourself and not bow down to media obedience.


  • Political freedom / the freedom to be a libertarian, or Republican, or Independent even if you’re gay or transgender.


  • Religious freedom / the freedom to worship in whatever religion you choose, without being condemned or attacked, even if that religion is Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, etc.


  • Food freedom / the freedom to know what’s in your food, how it was grown (GMOs), where it comes from (country of origin) and what it contains.


I think it would be amazing to see Caitlyn Jenner use her newfound celebrity status to call for such freedoms. After all, the fact that she’s transgender means she is now 100% immune to leftist media criticism. So she has a level of cultural influence right now that no straight, heterosexual white male could ever enjoy in the current political climate.


Let’s hope Caitlyn uses it for the right principles. Wouldn’t it be fascinating if a Republican transgender former white male Olympic athlete but now a self-identified female gender individual called for principles of universal liberty in a society dominated by an INTOLERANT leftist media that actually despises freedom to choose? Wow… imagine that for a moment!

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