To this day there are still millions of amalgam fillings every year being placed into the teeth of unsuspecting people in the US alone, even though the rest of the world or at least Europe has outlawed these killers. I’m not being overly dramatic when I describe them as killers because long term that’s just what they are.
An Amalgam filling is an amalgamation of dissimilar metals; prior to 1976 they consisted of 52% mercury, zinc, copper, tin and maybe 8-10% silver. So when the dentist tells you he is going to put a silver filling in your tooth/teeth quite frankly it’s a blatant lie…Its mercury primarily. Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth; it gets worse because every time you brush your teeth, drink hot drinks or chew you stimulate the release of methyl mercury which is 100 times more toxic.
After 1976 the filling was “updated or upgraded” to the high copper amalgam filling, this is equal parts of mercury, copper and silver. Even though there is less mercury it stimulates the release of methyl mercury 50 times faster than the original.
The most sensitive parts of your body are the insides of your cheeks and under your tongue, so you can imagine where the elemental mercury goes…..yes into your body and your blood stream.
The blood consists of red and white cells; the white is essentially your immune system, its primary role is to protect you from invaders.
The red is broken down into roughly 30 components; one of which is hemoglobin which has 4 ports on each cell to carry oxygen….oxyhemeglobin.
Mercury attaches to one, two, three or even all four ports so is now transported around your body, it doesn’t want to wander aimlessly, it wants to find somewhere nice to live, like a filter organ, your liver, kidneys, heart or brain. Once resident there it will prevent the organ from doing its job efficiently and “hey presto you have symptoms”.
I have always found it quite ridiculous to think that the wonderful trusted community of general practitioners (GP’s) insists on treating symptoms and not the cause of the problem. So you see your doctor, are then told to take a medicine/drug and the chances are, you will be on medication for the rest of your life…nice.
In 2008/9 a school in Lakewood, Colorado was closed and 600 pupils were sent home, why, you ask, well there had been a spillage of a hazardous material so the HAZMAT team were called in. Now I’m sure you are thinking that there had been a large amount of a radioactive material spilled, well you would be right in thinking that way. In fact it was a mercury thermometer that had been broken.
Now if 600 kids were sent home because a very minimal amount or mercury was spilled on the floor why oh why is it considered safe to allow larger amount as an amalgam filling to be placed into uninformed, unsuspecting people? Thousands of times every day of the year.
This is interesting, did you know that the ADA actually holds the patent on amalgam fillings, so those wonderful, considerate people are actually being paid every time an amalgam is placed. It’s no wonder they refuse to acknowledge the dangers in these hideous little killers. When it’s eventually accepted worldwide that amalgams are killing people and the ADA have always known this then there will be an even bigger law suit than there was with the tobacco industry.
Let’s move back to amalgam fillings, because of the amalgamation of dissimilar metals, your saliva and the warm environment of your mouth, these fillings have all the basic requirements to be little batteries. They emit a signal, an electrical signal, negative or positive, high or low. Perhaps fillings could be better described electrically by calling them capacitors. Capacitors, like the flash portion of a flash camera, build up a charge over a period of time, and then discharge much of their stored current in an instant This is measured in micro amps’; having an electrical signal requires them to be removed in a very specific sequence. There is only one way of identifying that signal and that is to use a RITA meter, this device that was created by Dr Huggins. It’s similar to an ammeter or amalgameter but there is very significant difference and that is the RITA meter measures the peak of the signal and stays at that point. This is crucial because the fillings need to be removed sequentially, starting with the highest negative; after that one has been removed the remainder of fillings in that quadrant can be removed.
Now it becomes a little confusing as the remaining fillings starting with the next highest negative are to be removed following the guide in the previous paragraph.
However, the dentist needs to check all the fillings in the mouth; they are marked on a chart by his assistant. If, after the first quadrant has been done the next highest negative filling is on the other side of the head crossing the midline, draw an imaginary line down your head splitting your eyes, down your nose and thru your lips, then there has to be a 48hr gap between removals unless the dentist is using Conscious sedation. The most popular or commonly used is Versedwhich is similar to Valium. If conscious sedation is used then after the first highest negative filling is replaced the sequence doesn’t apply.
When Dr Huggins noted this several decades ago he found that if this protocol is not adhered to, then 63% of patients develop an autoimmune disease, not necessarily immediately but it is likely to happen at some point.
There is almost a conspiracy here between the dentists that have done the honest research and found that Huggins work is real, and the powers that be like the American Dental Association (ADA) plus their cronies like Device Watch or Quack watch. These people will spread malicious misinformation about the pioneering work of Dr Huggins and Dr Weston Price before him. I have spoken with my clients and uninformed dentists who truly believe there is nothing wrong with an amalgam filling. This is because of the misinformation being spread by the ADA…
I’m sure you’ll be thinking “I’ll just go and see my local holistic or biological dentist, because he or she will do it right” well the sad thing is that NO, they won’t. There are lots and lots of very competent, experienced dentists, some biological, some holistic and they will tell you that they are very experienced in the removal of amalgam fillings. They have done it thousands of times, “so just come see me and I will take care of you”.
Again I can’t emphasize this strongly enough, biological, holistic, means nothing when it comes to the only safe methods of removing and replacing amalgams.
A Rita meter should be used to identify the correct sequence of removal; the dentist should use a rubber dam, oxygen, water, powerful suction and a Negative Ion Generator to ensure a clear channel over the dental chair. Some dentists will also use some form of suction device to clear the air immediately around the patient.
I’d like to ask this of the dentist’s that profess to be able to competently remove amalgams, “when you’ve removed the amalgams the wrong way, do any of the patients ever come back in six months or a year and tell you they now have MS or one of the other incurable diseases.” No, they don’t because the patient didn’t realize it was the dentistry that caused the problem, dentist’s are living in a dream world, I believe that the pharmaceutical industry are responsible for the millions of people suffering from ill health these days however I also believe the dentist’s are guilty and in some ways even more so.
There is only one safe way to remove amalgams, and that is to follow the protocol laid out by Dr Huggins as listed above, over the years I have talked with thousands of clients all stating that they had had their amalgams removed the correct way. Most, not all but most would tell me that they had seen a Huggins trained dentist, to which I would ask for the name of the dentist and the city or state they were in. Some people wouldn’t tell me the name, why, I just don’t know; maybe they thought they would get the dentist into trouble.
For those that did tell me the name, it would often be a name I’d never heard before, what their dentist probably meant was that they attended a two hour seminar and shook Dr Huggins hand, so in their mind they had been trained. The client would try to justify the dentist’s work, this I just couldn’t understand because the client would be suffering from health problems and often serious health problems which are likely to have been caused or at least instigated by dentistry.
Dr Huggins holds trainings twice each year or at least he did, this would be a three day training program held in Colorado Springs, normally in March and October although that could vary by a month either side depending on when the IAOMT were holding their semi annular seminars. My recommendation is to find a Huggins trained dentist, this can be done by calling Huggins Applied healing on 1 866 948 4638.
At the end of this book I have listed the dentists that were considered to be an elite group of Huggins trained dentists including the city and phone numbers.
One particular dentist is in my opinion stands head and shoulders above the others; this is because of her experience and unequalled skills. Dr Blanche Grube has followed Dr Huggins work closer than anyone else for twenty years.
Her passion, compassion, skills, experience and dedication surpass all others, I will not go into detail about a health challenge she experienced because I feel it best coming from her. Needless to say she has been there, done that and has the t shirt and video when it comes to health issues.