Men are less manly..

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Today’s article comes from Men’s Health expert and controversial author, John Romaniello… it’s an interesting article about the scary trend in recent decades that is eroding most men’s “manliness”. But this isn’t just for men, so for any ladies reading this, please pass this on to your husband or boyfriend, as it can help them to be a better man for you.

Study Shows That Average T Levels Have Dropped 22% in the Last 20 Years: A Discussion of Manliness, Sex Drive, and the Hidden Dangers of Low Testosterone

by John Romaniello, Men’s Health Expert, author of Man 2.0

There’s a problem that men facing across the world—a problem that few people are talking about, but a great many are experiencing. This problem needs a solution, but more than anything, it requires awareness. The problem, very simply, is that men are dying; at least, metaphorically. Their manhood is dying.

Men are less manly. That’s not an opinion; it’s a fact. If you want to be a little more scientific and a little less dramatic about it, testosterone levels are dropping—rapidly. And not just in older men; whereas decades ago, this was thought only to affect men in their late 30’s and beyond, it’s now beginning to affect men as young as 22.

It’s so bad that researchers from Massachusetts found that the average man’s testosterone (not just older men) has dropped 22% in the last 20 years, and that one out of every four men has below average testosterone. If those facts don’t scare you; if the fact that it’s very possible that you’re suffering from low T doesn’t scare you, then you may not know all of the devastating effects this condition can have.

You probably know that low T levels can make it impossible for you to lose body fat, and extremely hard to gain muscle. And there are other serious health effects of low T, including early death.

But one of the most devastating effects of low T—and it’s the one that manifests itself most frequently—is low sex drive. Today, I’d like to share the some information about this problem, to help you understand epidemic this problem truly is. It’s a bit scary, but it applies to EVERY guy, no matter how old you are. So read on—because I’m also going to share some insight about how to FIX it.

Why Sex Drive Is Important

Well, because sex is important. And not just in that jokey-har-har-it’s-the-best-15-minutes-of-the-day kind of way, but in the serious way that it’s scientifically proven that your sexuality is a hugely important facet of who you are. As men, to some extent, we internally define ourselves by aspects of our sexuality—our virility, desirability, and performance all factored into our assessment of who we are as men. Now, before you dismiss this, here me out, because there is science here.

Feeling actualized as a sexual being is a factor in self-esteem; this is just one of the idiosyncrasies of being human. While it certainly applies to women, for men, the relationship between self-esteem and sexuality is especially strong. It’s been shown that this is just one of the (many) complications that comes of being born of the male gender. Put another way, from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, your manhood and your, um, manhood are indelibly tied together.

Evolution and psychology notwithstanding, speaking purely personally, my sexuality is a big part of my identity—and I bet its part of yours. And if that were to go away, it would leave a strange hole in you that you can’t comprehend until you experience it. Trust me, I know.

If you have low testosterone—or even in the “low normal” range—you may simply wake up one morning and not want to have sex. With anyone. In fact, if you’ve suffering from low testosterone and compromised libido, it’s also possible that sex won’t just be uninteresting, but also unappealing to the point of revulsion. Many men who’ve experienced this report that the very thought of a touching them made their skin crawl. These subjects also discussed the feelings of shame and guilt associated with low sex drive—shame for not wanting sex, guilt for the way it made their partners feel.

This happened to me. Here’s a passage from my journal dated September 29, 2008, roughly 6 months after recovering from low libido. I recalled the general way it affected me:

“At first, I was bothered by the void—the hole left by not wanting sex, and all the extra time on my hands from not
having it. For a time, I wanted to want sex. Eventually, it stopped bothering me. Then, in moments of reflection, in
the early hours of the night when I was pretending to be asleep in an effort to avoid another conversation with my
girlfriend about it, I was bothered about not being bothered about it. And then that stopped too. From that point
on, I watched with detached bemusement as the ramifications of my condition tainted piece after piece of my life.”

Now, at this point, that may not be bothering you. Maybe you don’t think lack of sex is an overly big deal, and you can learn to live without it. In all likelihood, you are dead wrong. If you’re single and don’t want sex, then your lack of drive is going to prevent you from meeting and finding an awesome partner who makes your life better. If you’re in a relationship, a dearth of sex invariably leads to lack of intimacy and a widening fissure between partners. Some relationships can survive that; most can’t. Your partner will eventually feel unwanted and unattractive, and you’ll begin to feel guilty about making her feel that way. It will lead to resentment on both ends.

This happens more than you can imagine, and as covered in a 2009 piece in a New York Times blog, psychologists see over and over that when stops in a relationship, the couple begins to struggle with lessening intimacy—and the longer that relationship goes without sex, the harder it is to reclaim intimacy. For many couples, that starts with testosterone.

Without exaggeration, every part of your life will be negatively affected: your relationships, your sleep patterns, your physique—even your work will suffer, as your ability to focus will be impeded. For these, low T can cause of a number of extremely alarming consequences, including anxiety, depression, and even thoughts of suicide.

Here’s the truly scary part: you probably won’t even KNOW if you have low testosterone. Unless you’re getting your blood tested regularly, you just have to go by how you feel. Even if you DO get tested, your doctor might not be able to help you. Many men who are experiencing these symptoms test in the “low normal” range.

This is right about the point where research suggests many men begin to experience to symptoms of low T. The problem there is that you’ll be in a strange grey area—low enough to be experiencing a ton of symptoms, but too high to qualify for treatment of any kind.

So, you NEED to take matters into your own hands. Now, you could procure illegal testosterone and start injecting it (not smart), or you could figure out a way to increase your T levels naturally. Obviously, my recommendation is to go with the 2nd option. When I found out I had low testosterone, I dove into all the literature I could find and started making a lifestyle overhaul, and I’m very happy to report that I learned all sorts of ways to increase testosterone—and most of them are really simple, once you know what to do.

But so many men DON’T. So many men are suffering and don’t even know it. They look terrible, they feel terrible, and they’re harming their relationships. And that’s why I decided I NEEDED to write a book about it—because men truly need it. In the process of my research, for both my personal use and the book, I came to realize just how much men need it, how epidemic this problem really is. And there is a 1 in 4 chance it’s affecting you.

That solution, quite simply, is Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha.

In addition to being full of 16 weeks of workouts and a cutting edge diet, the entire program is designed to boost testosterone naturally. I was never content to just change bodies—I wanted to change lives. And that’s what this book can do. Sure, you’ll burn a LOT of fat. Sure, you’ll gain a LOT of lean chiseled muscle. But I’m more concerned with the fact that you’ll FEEL better. You’ll LIVE better. And, if I may be frank, you’ll BE better.

The goal of Man 2.0 has always been to not only provide a solution to a huge problem, but also to create awareness of it. Which is why I want this book to be a #1 New York Times Best-seller: so that we can build an enormous platform from which we provide THE solution.

It starts with you: when you read this book, you are guaranteeing an amazing change in your body and your life—but you’re also becoming part of a movement that can, with your help, change thousands upon thousands of lives.

So here’s what I want you to do: go to our website, and claim your copy of the book. It’s less than $20 for nearly 300 pages of content. Think about that; 20 bucks doesn’t buy a lot these days. Hell, you can’t even take a date to a movie for that. But, for less than $20, you get 16 WEEKS worth of training and nutrition. It’s a very easy decision.

But to make it even easier, I’m stacking the deck in your favor, and adding $375 in bonuses for $0.00. I am GIVING you close to TWENTY TIMES the value of the book.

I need your help. And you probably need mine. Let’s do this together.

==> Increase your testosterone. Improve your body. Take back your manhood.

-John Romaniello, aka – Roman

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