The things that every home pharmacy should have have changed over the past couple of decades. Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and even prescription drugs have given way to natural solutions that are effective without side effects.
(1) This one can be purchased at a decent health food store: Cayenne pepper. Master herbalist Dr. John Christopher was shocked to learn that gulping down water mixed with a teaspoonful of cayenne pepper powder helped his ulcers.
He went on to discover cayenne pepper could stop bleeding by pouring the powder directly onto a wound. More miraculously, a large 90,000 SHU (Scoville heat units) dose in water could stop a heart attack. Cayenne tinctures are also available.
For supporting cardiovascular health, two to three half glasses daily with one teaspoonful of at least 40,000 SHU of organic non-irradiated cayenne powder almost guarantees strong heart health.
(2) Another excellent remedy for external bleeding and healing internal wounds is a TCM formula that’s considered a Chinese treasure – Yunnan Baiyao. The exact formula procedure is secret, though the herbs are listed.
This OTC remedy is so powerful that it was used on wounded Asian soldiers during WW II and the Vietnam conflict. It continues to be used during operations to minimize bleeding and help seal wounds. This can be purchased from a TCM clinic’s pharmacy or online.
(3) Another excellent TCM remedy, Chin Wan Hung is the best burn remedy known. It relieves pain very quickly and promotes healing better than any OTC burn remedy. It can be used for sunburn and hemorrhoids also.
It is usually available in an acupuncture clinic’s pharmacy. You can also shop online for it. It’s inexpensive, and just a small amount of this salve applied directly to the burn works miracles.
(4) If you can’t get Chin Wan Hung or don’t trust Chinese pharmaceuticals, then you should have aloe vera gel on hand. It’s almost as good as Chin Wan Hung for soothing and healing burns.
Try to get the whole leaf or leaves. Break one open, peel back the outer leaf enough to expose the gel, and apply it directly to a burn. You can cover the leave’s open end and refrigerate it for a week. Great for sunburn too.
If you purchase a bottled gel off the shelf, make sure it’s pure with minimal preservatives. It’s also useful for hemorrhoid relief. Some consume it for inflamed ulcers with satisfactory results.
(5) Organic activated charcoal powder is a great antidote for poisons or toxicity from excess OTC pharmaceuticals if used quickly enough after mistakenly swallowing a toxic household product or overdosing a pharmaceutical. Most ER facilities have it on hand for those purposes.
West Palm Beach doctor Al Sears, MD, recommends daily consumption of the powder in water for 10 days as a general gastrointestinal (GI) detox. For general detox, it’s better to use the powder, which can be ordered online, instead of capsules.
(6) DMSO can be applied topically for bruises, sprains, and similar injuries for quick relief and fast healing. It stands for dimethyl sulfoxide, but is known more as DMSO.
Originally a byproduct of the wood pulp industry used as an industrial lubricant, it has been purified to evolve for medicinal purposes.
In addition to topical uses, even the recommends DMSO as an agent to facilitate some alternative cancer remedies. In short, it’s good stuff and available without prescription.
(7)Butterbur has been used in Europe for many decades as an anti-allergy medicine and for migraines, headaches and other minor aches and pains. It is available OTC at health food stores and online.
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