Joel Marion’s transformation insider..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

It’s probably no secret that gluten (a protein composite found in wheat, rye, and barley) is bad news for your health and fatloss goals alike. After all, gluten sensitivity affects more than 20 MILLION adults nationwide and has been linked to more than 130 symptoms, including some MAJOR conditions like skin diseases, lupus, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disease, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches, and a host of others.

And then of course there’s the even more common side effects associated with gluten to be wary of…symptoms like gas & bloating, constipation, fatigue, joint pain, inflammation, sugar cravings, weight gain, and obesity…and the list goes on!

But you probably ALSO know that gluten is found in just about everything, including many of the foods we’ve come to love and enjoy like pasta, bread, bagels, muffins, and other baked goods, couscous, cereal, soups, dressings, and crackers (including all whole-wheat versions of these products), as well as many of our “cheat day” favorites like cookies, cakes, pizza, and one of my personal favorites…BEER (even the non-alcoholic varieties).

Even worse, try going out to eat — virtually impossible to avoid gluten. If it’s not “obviously” part of the meal as something like bread or pasta, it’ll very likely be hidden in the dressings and sauces…it’s everywhere.

Of course, you could vow to never eat bread, pasta, and cereal again (highly unrealistic) as well as all of the other foods mentioned above (bagels, muffins, and other baked goods, crackers, tortillas, pizza, beer, and all those other goodies)…that’s one option.

Even so, knowing that gluten is hidden in so many foods that you would never even think or realize it’s in makes completely “eliminating” gluten a rather inconvenient, time-consuming, and unmanageable task in and of itself.

But what if you could have your cake and eat it, too? Yes, what if you could still eat gluten-containing foods while still avoiding the negative side effects of gluten consumption?

You see, at BioTrust we didn’t think that giving up gluten containing foods was a realistic, manageable solution to the gluten dilemma.

Now don’t get me wrong, some folks DO do it (like those with celiac disease who have no other choice), and if you personally plan on eliminating all of the above mentioned foods permanently from your diet while scientifically dissecting every meal you eat to determine whether or not it may contain gluten, then forgive me, the rest of this message doesn’t apply to you.

But if you’re like me and you still plan to enjoy pasta, bread, cereal, and/or a beer or piece of dessert from time to time, then you’ll be happy to know that we went to the drawing board to develop a better, easier solution for folks like us.

And that solution is called GlutenGone™: A dynamic duo of 2 unique digestive enzymes (Aspergillopepsin and DPPIV) that has been shown in very recent research to be unmatched in its ability to fully digest gluten.

You see, the problems with gluten only arise when your body fails to fully break down and digest gluten properly, and unfortunately many folks are deficient in the enzymes required to fully break down numerous nutrients, especially gluten. GlutenGone™ makes that a non-issue by providing you with those enzymes so you can “have your cake and eat it, too”.

GlutenGone™, as well as 14 other vital enzymes, can be found in BioTrust AbsorbMax™, an extremely unique, complete and comprehensive enzyme supplement ever that tackles ALL your digestive issues from 6 different angles. If you also have issues digesting lactose, starches, proteins or any number of foods that may cause bloating, gas and other discomforts, AbsorbMax™ will give your body everything it needs to effectively break down those foods so you’ll feel better and drop those stubborn pounds…faster.

And even better, when you choose to invest in AbsorbMax™ with GlutenGone™ today we’re going to give you F.REE shipping AND a freee copy of my 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet that shows you how to slash up to 10+ pounds in just one short week.

And if that wasn’t enough, if you decide to invest in 2 bottles of AbsorbMax™ today, we’ll give you a 3rd bottle absolutely F.REE. Now that’s what I call a deal!

==> Have your cake and eat it, too with Gluten Gone™

Remember, you have two options to avoid the negative side effects, fatloss consequences, and health ailments associated with gluten:

1. Eliminate all gluten foods from your diet completely. This includes breads, pasta, cereals, baked goods, and a laundry list of other foods that you likely regularly enjoy.


2. Just take one capsule of AbsorbMax™ with GlutenGone™ at the start of each meal. That’s it.

For us, the clear answer was #2…that’s why we had AbsorbMax™ with GlutenGone™ developed for our personal use and both Josh and I use it every day. Now you can benefit too, and at a huge discount today:

==> F.REE Shipping + Buy 2, Get 1 F.REE + The 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet F.REE

Enjoy the results!


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