Life to the majority of people revolves around family and work, how to pay the monthly bills or doing the weekly shop, the presents to buy for loved one’s when a birthday or Christmas is approaching, y’know…. the everyday demands of living a life… frustrating, annoying, worrying and fantastic at times, but it’s accepted as normal because it’s everyday occurrences for most people. It’s different when you have a life changing disease as I have, mine is multiple sclerosis but I’m sure other people have an equally difficult time with other serious health problems.
We see things differently, we don’t have a great deal of money and little opportunity to generate more of it, we don’t have jobs so can’t work overtime or have other ways of earning a little extra. It’s a set income like disability benefits and I’m so lucky and grateful to have that.
Before starting the Ann Boroch Protocol 18 months ago I wasn’t really sure the life I had was worth living… it consisted of very little sleep, pain, discomfort, going to the loo twenty five times each day, oh yes and more pain… not a great incentive to look forward to. However… in September 2017 I’d read “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch and started following her life changing protocol.
So the existence I had is a thing of the past, now I am truly happy about what I’m doing, yes the supplements are many and must be taken everyday, my weekly online shop is probably 90% the same which means my food intake can be a tad boring…
But I see things very differently to most people, I’m lucky in that my regular bills are covered by my benefits, I don’t have spare or holiday money but those things aren’t on my mind, of course I miss being outside, I miss going for a drive, going out for a pub lunch and lots of other things, but in reality I don’t think about them because I know they will happen in time, just not now…
I have to focus on one thing and one thing only, being sick with this disease, not living but existing is of no interest to me, I have to prioritize, following the ABP and being able to Live again is what matters to me now.