Of Mercury, Sheep and Men…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

This is by my good friend Dr John Rothchild who has a pratice in Durango, CO. Dr John is not only a holistic and biological dentist but a doctor of intergrative medicine, added to that he has been a strong believer in the work of Dr Hal Huggins who is one of the pioneers behind safe mercury free dentistry.

I have been a dentist for 32 years now and have studied the science of dental materials for about that long. One of the most controversial topics in dentistry today, should not be a controversy at all. .. “Should dentists place mercury based fillings in their patients’ teeth”? The answer in my opinion, is an unequivocal “NO!”

Those black, silver fillings in your mouth are made of over 50% mercury. The remainder consists of silver, copper and tin. Mercury is a neurotoxin which can destroy nerve and brain tissue. It also can get into our vital organs and destroy their function. These organs include the brain, thyroid, kidney, liver and heart to name a few. You want more organs? How about the intestines and pancreas?

When did this issue start?

This issue has been around ever since Dr. Hal Huggins, a Colorado Springs, CO dentist, appeared in a 60 Minutes exposé in the mid 1980’s. This erupted a big furor amongst the dentistry profession. Lots of dialog followed and action taken. Many dentists lost their licenses in states that agreed to ban mercury fillings.

The American Dental Association originally made a statement that mercury is a safe dental material. Later, the ADA changed their position and said that mercury fillings only affect less than 1% of the U.S. population due to allergies. Then again, they changed their stand to say that mercury fillings only affect 10% of the population due to allergies. Incidentally, the “silver filling” was introduced in the late 1800’s and shortly thereafter the first cases of Multiple Sclerosis became evident in medical literature.

Who does it affect?

The current U.S. population is approximately 311 million. This means that 31 million Americans are allergic to mercury according to the ADA. That’s a lot of people.

What about the percentage of the population who are not allergic to mercury, but have reactions to it due to metal or electrical sensitivities (mercury fillings give off electrical charges)? Many people are affected by the electrical phenomena produced from mercury fillings. According to Dr. Huggins, the brain is sensitive to 8-10 nano amps of current. We measure the current of the fillings in micro amps which is a 100 times stronger. And the mouth is very close to the brain. Think about it.

In addition, mercury competes with oxygen in the blood. It also blocks many hormone receptors, disrupts calcium metabolism in the body and depresses the immune system. That is just a few of the metabolic issues.

Is mercury being released when I chew?

The answer is yes and in some instance to the level that if there was a mercury spill in a building, it would cause the building or school to shut down and the haz-mat teams would be sent in to clean it up. Mercury vapor builds up when you chew and slowly decreases over a 90 minute period. This is based on chewing food for about 5 minutes. What happens if you are a snacker or drink hot drinks throughout the day? You continue to emit the vapors. What happens if you clench your teeth during the day or at night? The same thing happens, it accumulates.

Where does it accumulate in the body?

We breathe it in or out. When we breathe out, no problem. However, when we breathe in, mercury can then get into the blood and get distributed to the organs mentioned earlier. Or, we can swallow the vapors which get into our GI tract and redistributed back into the body should you have a leaky gut.

What are common symptoms to be aware of?

The most common symptoms that I have seen in my practice throughout the years is sickness of unknown cause, fatigue, poor sleeping patterns, unable to think clearly, anger and stealth infections.

Should I have my mercury fillings replaced?

That is up to you. But if you decide to do have them removed, it must be done in a proper protocol to limit the amount exposure to the mercury. In our office we follow a special protocol to prevent exposure while removing the mercury.

What dental material will be used to replace my mercury fillings?

I use a tooth colored, mercury-free ceramic material to restore teeth to their natural strength, beauty, and function. This high strength ceramic material closely matches the composition of the natural tooth, and most importantly, it’s safe to your body.

What about the sheep?

In a 1989 scientific study, appearing in FACEB (a peer reviewed medical journal), radioactive mercury was placed in the teeth of sheep. The sheep were later x-rayed to identify where the mercury was distributed. Guess what? The mercury was found in several organs throughout the sheep’s bodies.

Our office feels that an educated patient should be able to make up their own mind about mercury fillings and the harm they may do to the body. We offer a comprehensive evaluation to help you become better informed about your body’s actual response to whatever mercury exposure you may be experiencing due to your current fillings.

Feel free to contact us for additional information about mercury-free fillings, and your options for mercury filling removal and replacement. Our goal is to help you make the most informed decision possible, and to empower you through education about your oral health and the best treatment choices available to you.

Healthy Regards,

John Rothchild

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