There is one bloodstream…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Many times I have talked about health done naturally, I honestly believe that eating healthy as in non processed foods with non of the toxic additives that are put in with one aim by the manufacturer and that is to give it more artificial flavour, preservatives to give a longer shelf life to increase their profitability. The millions spent on advertising is to confuse and brainwash the public into believing their blatant lies.

The following paragraphs are taken from the website of an incredible man, Dr.Stanley Bass.

Given that your father and mother contributed the sperm cell and ovum, or eggcell, and they united together and in 9 months produced the miracle which is you, all done by Nature without the conscious direction of your parents or yourself, you can trust absolutely that Nature has the amazing healing intelligence to make you well again. The Power that made you has the Power to heal you.

The best doctor is the one who understands this and assists Nature in this miraculous process by recommending the best foods your body needs, as well as the proper conditions of rest and non-interference, and to get out of the way – to step aside and allow Nature to proceed with her work, undisturbed by pills or potions.

There is one bloodstream which both nourishes the body and removes all diseases. There is one Nature, one life-force and all bodies have the same requirements – good food, proper rest and sleep, some sunlight, a moderate amount of exercise, and proper thought. If you provide these requirements, Nature (which is God manifesting on the material plane) will unfailingly heal you. “All the rest is jazz,” as the expression goes – all the rest is secondary in importance.

All living creatures know this intuitively, and it’s time that we, as intelligent humans, become aware of it consciously.

There are so many systems of diagnosis – medical, Oriental (ayurvedic), Chinese (meridians),zone therapy, iridiagnosis, sclerotic diagnosis, reflexes, Naturopathy, x-ray, applied kinesiology, pulse and tongue diagnosis, germ theory, virus theory, genetics, etc., etc.

The Mayo Clinic, one of the most prestigious in the world, admits that their diagnosis is 50% accurate at best, and 50% inaccurate in the rest. This is followed by their prognosis or prediction of the possible outcome, which is equally inaccurate. They are completely unable to state the healing possibilities of non-medical or natural approaches to disease since they have never studied or used them and find them completely unknown.

What is there to be said about lesser institutions than the Mayo Clinic, where the diagnosis is even less accurate, even with the most expensive machinery as the MRI etc., which have their percentage of inaccuracies also?



In all diagnostic systems there is never total accuracy, but a varying percentage at best. While there may be some value in each of the systems after the diagnosis is made, especially by the leading medical institutions, after the pronouncements and names of disease are given, what will they tell you to do to get well?

They haven’t the slightest idea, and, according to the most authoritative medical textbooks on Symptomatology and Pathology, the majority of diseases listed are stated to have causes which are “unknown.” So all they can do is what they have been trained to do – to treat symptoms, to use drugs, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, etc. None of these are aimed at removing causes, but rather directed at removing bodily parts and consigning them to surgical garbage pails…..

The above information is absolutely true, the medical profession, the doctors know about what and how a drug, a pharmaceutical chemical will address a symptom, what they don’t know is how the natural phenomenon, your body will react to the alien synthetic being put into it, it’s purely guess work.


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