The indestructible invader…
So often I would hear someone tell me that they have been using a product that supposedly removes mercury from their blood, they were extremely excited when they read the instructions on the bottle, the manufacturer had promised that this product would change their life.
In the manufacturers research they had seen drops in mercury levels so high it was truly amazing, almost unbelievable!! well actually it was unbelievable, because it never happened.
You see mercury doesn’t actually show up in the blood per se, what happens is this.. When your immune system sees something that isn’t supposed to be there, it will go into attack it, that’s it’s job to protect you from invaders. As mercury enters your bloodstream from your amalgam fillings or wherever. it attaches to a blood cell, which changes the way it looks, all of your own blood cells have a unique identifier. Every person on the planet has a unique identifier called a Major Histocompatibility Complex or an MHC. Your immune system now sees a strange looking cell, a non self cell, a Hapten. It starts the process of elimination.
The problem is that mercury is indestructible to anything in the body, it’s the most toxic non-radioactive substance on earth so what then takes place is this. The Globulin, part of the red blood cells which went in to attack is overpowered by mercury and is rendered totally ineffective. The mercury attaches to the globulin so now has a hiding place, unseen.
You have another blood test and not only does the mercury not show up but a very misleading result show’s for globulin. You are happy initially until you notice that your condition hasn’t improved.
To my knowledge there is only one way of actually seeing how much mercury is in your blood, and that is done through a methyl mercury test. Methylmercury is a vapor at times, clever little thing, morphing between a vapor and solid. The methyl mercury test is done only by Quicksilver Scientific of Boulder, Colorado.
Reach Dr Chris Shade at 303 263 6903 or [email protected]
If you are concerned by the symptoms you or a loved one are experiencing, I suggest you contact Dr.Huggins office in Colorado Springs.
Huggins Applied Healing
5082 List Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Toll Free: (866) 948-4638
E-mail: [email protected]