Are we killing our kids…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

The following post is about the horrible and ridiculous situation that now infests a lot of  countries around the world.

The US is the main culprit when it comes to allowing our children to constantly eat empty calories, or foods with no nutritional value whatsoever. Actually it’s worse than that it’s poisoning our kids and condeming them to a shorter and less rewarding life.

How are we doing this…simply by reading and watching and believing the lies constantly told through advertising. Not only allowing our kids to eat what they demand but believing the words recited from kids who have been completely brainwashed.

We constantly hear…Sugar is safe or sugar is sugar irrespective of where it comes from…Lies.

Calories are long as you restrict the amount or calories you eat you’ll be ok..Lies

People will eat foods that proudly proclaim Zero fat as being good for you…NO, it’s not the fat per se it’s the sugar and sugar substitutes.

The US started this but other countries have fallen into the trap, the UK, Brasil and Australia and just as guilty.

Be a parent to your kids not a buddy or friend..


In the documentary Way Beyond Weight, childhood obesity around the globe is explored via interviews with parents, government officials, school representatives, nutrition advocates and the children themselves

  • Childhood obesity is a global epidemic; in both the US and Brazil, one-third of kids are overweight or obese and at risk of health problems like heart disease and diabetes
  • Soda and fruit drinks are one likely culprit, with many kids drinking them daily, and some parents unaware that the latter is harmful
  • The processed-food industry targets kids using toys and animated characters, luring them in from a very young age and hooking them on their addictive junk foods
  • Many families also struggle with a lack of access to fresh whole foods, and a lack of education about which foods are truly healthy

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