Just different

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Just different…

When I look back at the life I’ve lead so far, I want to make this very clear, by saying this please don’t get the misunderstanding that I’m done, because I believe 100% that I’m far from over and have lots more to do.
I’m very proud of my achievements and genuinely believe that when my time is up, which isn’t going to happen for at least another twenty years or so, I’ll truly be able to hold my head up high and know I’ve done something good and made a difference by helping others.
Over the past 21 years, I’ve had a disease that most people believe because they’ve been told that it’s incurable.
But I know for a fact that it’s not, millions, actually over 2.5 million people to date have received that depressing news from a neurologist.
I’ve never taken any pharmaceutical drugs for it, I’ve just constantly looked for possibilities…. of course, some have done nothing other that drain my bank account, but two in particular have made massive differences positively, the Ann Boroch Protocol… ABP..
And Hekma in Israel.

– Hekma Center, Jerusalem, Almeskah St. 1, Zip. 30026, Po.Box 528

Anyway, as I said, in my opinion, I feel it’s important to actually live as opposed to existing, which is what almost every nurse, doctor, and medical practitioner seems to encourage.

So looking at some of my achievements, I think having been in the Guiness Book of Records between 1989 and 1997, not because of the number of skydives I’ve done, 834, because that’s nothing in comparison to some jumpers, it was the 60 way relative work formation which has been trounced since.
I got my PPL in 43 hours, I was a SCUBA diver, Hang glider, mountain biker and I was a rock climber, and I passed my motorcycle test first time as well as car tedt and  HGV 1 and was the Client Service Director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing.
I have a PhD. in Nutrition and Health. Which took eight and a half years.
I’ve written and published six books.
There have been numerous other things that I’m proud of and lots more to come, so does this lot make me better than anyone else….NO!!!
I’m not 7 I know…
I’m Different…

Misleading lies…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Misleading lies…

As people are finally starting to realise that the majority of foods sold these days have been processed or ultra-processed, it should make people think and not just buy impulsively. What that genuinely means is that the manufacturer has added multiple things, things… meaning additives and preservatives that basically excite the tastebuds and lengthen the shelf life. Yes, of course, whenever something you put into your mouth tastes good, you want more, but when the taste enhancers such as mono sodium glutamate or MSG.. actually has a detrimental effect on your body, don’t you realise that it’s not good.
A buzzword going around now is ” Bio-available,” which makes a lot of people think it is very important.
Let me explain something, if you have a car that has run out of petrol, so the engine is dead, sitting a few feet away is a 5 gallon can full of petrol…
Yes, the 3 star petrol is Bio-available available, but only if it’s in the car and the key is turned to start the engine.
So unless it’s put in and the engine started, it’s useless. Of course, your participation is required.
What’s more advisable is that it can be absorbed and metabolised.
Being Bio-available just means that a significant part of it is usable, but only with additional help.

Then we have the farcical crap regarding “wholegrain” foods such as brown bread or wholegraain rice.
Good fot you…. right?
It would take too long and bore the life out of you if I explain in detail, which I could, but won’t..
Brown bread, wholegrain rice and red peppers to name a few, have a bacteria called “Lectins”.. these bacteria have jagged spikes protruding out. These can, not always, but can tear holes in the large and small intestine, which enables partly broken down particles to be absorbed by the hemoglobin in the red blood cell to be transported and deposited in various organs, preventing the organ from functioning correctly, this can create the start of an illness or serious disease.
Conclusion: Don’t believe the misleading lies..

Not guilty..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

.Don’t shoot the messenger.

Over the last 10 or 15 years, the advertising industry in general has financially boomed, obviously the proliferation of TV channels and computer  based apps such as Facebook and X… it still seems weird saying X and not Twitter, anyway, back to my point.
The pharmaceutical giants used the media to showcase their latest money spinner, oops maybe I should be more politically correct, and refer to them as medicines,although that in itself is incorrect. They are addictive drugs that address a symptom, nothing more.
It’s quite sickening to watch TV and see a person suffering from a health issue, then grabbing a bottle of pills, then finding great relief moments after swallowing it. It’s a regular  occurrence now to see this happen. It just shocks me to think why it is that 99.9% of people just accept it as normal.
So think about it…. how can a pharmaceutical drug almost instantly relieve the pain or anxiety from a serious health problem as soon as its swallowed?
The fact… yes, fact.. is that it does diddly squat to the cause of the issue, all its doing is stopping the message, the signal from the part of your body from reaching your brain, its relatively easy,  for the drug which has been made to cross the blood brain barrier, so downing the pill makes you psychologically think you see OK.
But what most people don’t realise is that providing a very temporary fix actually makes the diseased area more difficult to correct in the long term. So from big pharma’s  view its great as they are just increasing their customer base.
If you’d genuinely like to know more, then search my name Stefan Cairns on Amazon…

Will I beat this..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

in 2004 I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a disease the world of conventional medicine considers to be incurable.

Am I stupid or naive to believe I am beating it… I personally believe I am winning.

my genuine belief is:


It’s all connected..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

It’s all connected…

It’s not… but it is..

I’m referring to the human body and the way it works or doesn’t in a lot of people.
The title is “It’s all connected. “…
I’ll try to explain and make this as understandable as possible to the majority of people.
The body as a whole, an extremely complex organism, is made up of cells, 10 trillion give or take a billion.. the digestive tract, the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, gall bladder, bowel, and rectum is possibly over 100 trillion cells. So I’m sure you can appreciate that the microbiom, the microbes, bacteria, and fungi play a HUGE part in the functionality and efficacy of our organs.
Every one of the trillions of cells vibrates at a certain frequency, depending on where it is and the job it was designed to do.
Over the last 50 or 60 years, the things we put into our bodies have changed significantly. The human body is approximately 2,500 yrs old in its current form.
Every cell is fed by probiotics, which are assisted by prebiotics to provide the necessary fuel.

Fuel? comes to every organ and cell in the body by way of oxygen, oxyhemeglonin in the haemoglobin within the red blood cells, the RBC is formed by a variety of processes which include but not limited to the correct form of vitamin b12.. Cobalamin comes in four varieties, most common and readily absorbed is methylcobalamin, obtained from meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.

The more I write, the more I realise that it will be extremely difficult to refrain from a more complex explanation.
Please forgive me.

Insects and some animals have adapted to changes in the environment, be it land or sea.

Why haven’t humans adapted to the massive changes in foodstuff.
Insects, animals, and plants have adapted by consuming nutritious food from the earth, not the processed, adulterated syntheticoaded with drugs, preservatives, and taste enhancers… making it addictive.
Since the 60s and 70s? The ultra-processed things masquerading as foods have little or no nutrition, meaning the organs in our body are desperately looking for nutrition, but all they’re finding is addictive toxic synthetic components
Making it impossible to function correctly.
Don’t blame anyone else. It’s your choice…
Your body is made up of what YOU put into it.

It’s not rocket science!!!