I wonder…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I think it was back in 2010 that I first started using Facebook, I’d been with Huggins Applied Healing for over three years at the time. Because of my work with the late and great Dr Huggins I’d learned about the dangers of the additives to just about all processed foods that enhanced the taste and increased the “shelf life” and profitability to manufacturers.
The work done by that incredible man, who in all honesty devoted his life to genuinely helping people, even if his efforts didn’t improve the organisations financial health.
But as I said, his work and devotion inspired me to help in some way, my website, www.ratherbehealthy.co.uk and the six books I’ve written will hopefully make a little dent in the masses of uninformed people.
Now I want to make this very clear… uninformed doesn’t mean stupid or ignorant, far from it. It means that the manufacturers, big pharma, and advertisers have no conscience at all and are interested  in their own profits, FACT…

Think about it, why does every processed foodstuff include at least ten additives, often sugar and lots of unpronounceable ingredients.

Why does big pharma not create a drug that cures anything.
The answer to that is all they spend millions on, is creating Customers.

A subject talked about in lots of commercials is cancer, if you do an Internet search, you’ll often see that a certain company masquerading as one that helps  state that one out of every two people will get cancer.
So in their view, 50% of the UK will get cancer..
But the statistics show that back in the 1950’s the chance of getting cancer was one in three… 30%
So in 70 years every person has gone from having a 30% chance of getting cancer, to a 50% chance..
Why, in the days of incredible progression of technology and medicine (ha) are we more likely to get cancer..
Hmm, I wonder what’s changed?

Processed foods and refined sugar.

These pariahs are laughing all the way to the bank.