Posted by: admin / Category:
But!!! …Because!!!…
Over the years since originally being diagnosed with this horrendous disease… multiple sclerosis, I’ve tried at least fifty different “things”that professed amazing results. Most, as I’m sure you know we’re nothing more than “snake oils ” that drained my rapidly diminishing bank balance.
The nutrional beverage called XanGo was different and certainly helped… I say and emphasized “Helped”, it didn’t cure or heal me, but it helped significantly.
However, it was the Ann Boroch Protocol that healed my body…
No one!!! No one… not Ann… R.I.P.
Not the wonderful Janet, not Martha and definitely not me benefit financially in any way, shape, or form by helping or encouraging others to follow the ABP.
Now, please understand that the protocol isn’t a “one size fits all” method of healing the body of the damage done by having MS for several years.
It would be misleading to say or infer that.
There are approximately 2.3 million sufferers currently, so, following the protocol is extremely important, although there has to be minor modifications, yes, minor modifications, not radical changes, the basis of the ABP has been successful 10,000 times, give or take.
Everyones individual circumstances are different, where we live, the foods we’ve eaten, our support network, and hundreds of other things.
I’m personally pushing myself physically, much more than I believe most others could do, I’m not unique or special, but I know I’m different.
I’m in a rise and recliner chair, not a bed, because it’s easier to do the exercise I need to do to rebuild muscle in my legs.
The ABP is not rocket science, and it’s not difficult to follow, it’s the individual things, specific to me and you, that are hard.
But they’re done, because we know they work…
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Posted by: admin / Category:
You’ve got to…
I honestly believe in the Ann Boroch Protocol as the basis of healing the body of multiple sclerosis even though the medical fraternity all say that the disease is incurable.
I’m looking at it a little more closely, and the classification given to it by big pharma, they say… that its incurable, but what they are really saying, is that from their point of view, it’s far more lucrative to say that they can’t find a way of beating it, but the have created drugs that simply ease one or two of the “multiple” symptoms which will make “MS” more bearable for the sufferer, while lining their own pockets with lots of cash.
I said at the start that I genuinely believe that the ABP is the basis of healing your body of multiple sclerosis.
So am I saying that you have to buy something else or try another protocol..NO.
But what I am saying is by just buying a new car or a first class ticket on a train or plane doesn’t get you from A to B..
What gets you there is You either driving the car or You getting to and from the station or airport.
The protocol, the car, the train or plan, are just methods, it’s your interaction with them that makes it happen.
You !!! Yes You have to make the commitment to make it happen.
You don’t just buy the car or the ticket and amazingly just arrive at your desired destination.
You’ve got to do your part, it will work as you want, but please understand that…
You’ve got to TRY…
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Posted by: admin / Category:
You’ve got to…
I honestly believe in the Ann Boroch Protocol as the basis of healing the body of multiple sclerosis even though the medical fraternity all say that the disease is incurable.
I’m looking at it a little more closely, and the classification given to it by big pharma, they say… that its incurable, but what they are really saying, is that from their point of view, it’s far more lucrative to say that they can’t find a way of beating it, but the have created drugs that simply ease one or two of the “multiple” symptoms which will make “MS” more bearable for the sufferer, while lining their own pockets with lots of cash.
I said at the start that I genuinely believe that the ABP is the basis of healing your body of multiple sclerosis.
So am I saying that you have to buy something else or try another protocol..NO.
But what I am saying is by just buying a new car or a first class ticket on a train or plane doesn’t get you from A to B..
What gets you there is You either driving the car or You getting to and from the station or airport.
The protocol, the car, the train or plan, are just methods, it’s your interaction with them that makes it happen.
You !!! Yes You have to make the commitment to make it happen.
You don’t just buy the car or the ticket and amazingly just arrive at your desired destination.
You’ve got to do your part, it will work as you want, but please understand that…
You’ve got to TRY…
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Posted by: admin / Category:
Stubborn.. hmm…
Ever since I started on the Ann Boroch Protocol, I’ve tried a few additional things that I thought would help and speed up the process of healing.
Some have definitely helped, albeit a little like beetroot juice capsules, which has helped increase the red blood cell count, which in turn increases the oxyhaemoglobin to organs. One or two other additions haven’t necessarily helped or hindered, so they were only used for a few months, but I have to say that although I’d added certain things and made the occasional mistake, I’ve stayed at least 95% compliant with the Ann Boroch food recommendations.
On those occasions, I’ve had my wrist slapped, justifiably, and got back on track.
I’m sure everyone, to a certain degree, thinks that “they know best”….
I mean, think about it. Ann Boroch didn’t know everything?… but she did know a damn site more about healing the body naturally than anyone else that I’ve met or talked to or read about.
So, yes, have thoughts, but trust me, very few people are more inquisitive and willing to research and try alternatives than me, so learn from my mistakes and those more determined and focused and have a 100% not 99% belief, I’m referring to Janet now and her mentor Ann Boroch .
Getting back to the headline, am I stubborn, yes, but not too stubborn to admit my mistakes. The Ann Boroch Protocol works, it will take longer than you’d like it to, but healing a supposedly incurable disease takes time.
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Posted by: admin / Category:
What does it really say…
For most of the latter part of my life, to date, I’ve studied and researched about health, nutrition, and the benefits of eating healthy, uncontaminated and organic foods and being drug free, of course.
So, when I got the job of becoming the client service director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing, I was over the moon happy
So I think you can understand my confused emotions when it comes to the attitude of the powers that be, from health officials in the government, all the way down to officials supposedly concerned for the general public health.
For instance, in my case, I’ve obviously got a very weakened and compromised immune system as I have MS,, so getting that horrid Covid19 you’d imagine I’d be one of the many serious sufferers fighting for life.
As it happens over the past 3 years, I’ve been diagnosed with it three times and amazingly beaten it in a few days every time. Now, was I lucky? was it just the “Jabs” that saved me no!!! because I’ve never had any…
What I did take was mega doses of Lipospheric Vitamin C which has repeatedly been scientific proven to kill all known virus, including coronavirus., but because it doesn’t make billions for big pharma, it’s not recommended.
Now let’s also look at my own situation,my carers are allowed to give me the painkillers and thyroid medication prescription by the doctors, but are NOT allowed to help me with the natural supplements I take? Now I’m not criticising them or their immediate bosses.
If I was to take a month supply of the prescribed medication in one go, it would more than likely kill me, or at least do serious damage.
But if I was to take a years worth of any five supplements I take, together, the worse it would do is make me vomit or have diarrhoea.
So the carers who are paid to help, can give you a potential killer, but they would lose their job for helping me take the life saving supplement.
Does that make sense? It doesn’t to me.
Taking this into consideration, use your common sense, what does it really say about the incredibly profitable “sickcare industry” who are advising and influencing the Health Service..
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