Posted by: admin / Category:
Not try…
As we all know, multiple sclerosis is a debilitating disease, not only physically but emotionally as well. There are times when your brain tells you to do the most basic of actions, it might be a simple stretch of scratching an itch on your leg or arm, but this freaking hideous illness has commandeered the communication pathway from your brain to the appropriate limb. This results in the most frustrating time when you “want” but “can’t”… making you feel sooo frustrated and annoyed and mad and angry, not with loved ones or friends near to you, but yourself.
But… this is exactly when “YOU” have to be strong emotionally, just keep telling yourself that although everyone else around and in contact with you who have no idea why you don’t just take the prescribed medication instead of doing this ridiculous ” it’s never going to work diet” that you’ve been told about.
I’ll tell you… why… and try to reassure you, that, the prescribed meds aren’t medicine per sè, they are pharmaceutical drugs that mask the cause and address a symptom, this isn’t just a diet that someone wanting to lose a few pounds on might follow occasionally. This is a “LIFESTYLE CHANGE ” this is a tried and tested and PROVEN method of changing your eating habits to remove the build-up of toxins that “HAS” restricted your life.
This is The Ann Boroch Protocol that in time WILL kick the bad guy’s ass out of the temple you call You !!!.
So my friend, when the frustration hits you, when those around you just lower their heads and shake it from side to side!!! Now you take a deep, resilient breath, and tell yourself, genuinely Tell yourself that you aren’t going to try, you are going to DO !!!
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Posted by: admin / Category:
At one point in time, maybe fifteen or twenty years ago, the UK was envied for having the best health service of any country. I think our facilities, such as hospitals and clinics, were very well equipped, but it was the quality and attitude of our doctors and nurses that put them above just about everyone else. The John Bull attitude of “we’ll find a way to fix it”. . and “you won’t beat me. “… put the NHS as the place to be if you had gotten sick.
I lived and worked in the USA for eleven years and obviously experienced the
“Who is your health insurance with?” Whenever I attended a doctors surgery or hospital, which I did on a few occasions. If you had good insurance, they couldn’t do enough for you, but the opposite would apply for those less fortunate. For the majority of my time there, my insurance was with one of the top three companies, when I was married ( a long time ago) our health insurance was $200 per month, and that was 2002-2008.
Anyway, back to the point of this post, on Thursday last week, I spoke with my local GP and explained my situation, a long story which I’ll not go into now, but trust me, there’s a logical reason that I’ve been confined to a Rest and Recliner chair for almost 3 1/2 years, so you’ll understand that my butt is sore, sitting in the same position 24/7 apart from 30 mins in the bathroom.
The doctor, a nice lady, arranged for a district nurse visit ASAP.
On Saturday, a district nurse came in, I realised, but said nothing that she was the same one that had been to see me in January. I was disappointed, to say the least, as this woman didn’t deserve to be classed as a nurse. Her first comments were that she didn’t know how to use the Rotunda I needed to stand and keep my balance. I’d explained last week to the nice doctor that my skin wasn’t broken, but the excruciating pain was like being sat on a drawing pin… permanently!! So when I saw the nurse..!!! unwrapping two hermetically sealed plasters, I asked what she was doing. She responded in that “I’m a nurse and know what’s best” attitude, and she made an “oh” exclamation as she saw the unbroken skin.
Again, I explained that, in my opinion, it was more likely a sciatic nerve issue, and I was hoping for a possible solution.
The look on her face was one of “there’s nothing I can do for you!! and started to walk out.
I had to really control my anger, and asked politely if she would move the Rotunda back against the wall, move the table she’d moved back so I could reach it and pass me the blanket I’d had over my legs that she’d thrown on the floor.
She did them like a bratty teenage girl being asked to stop texting on her iPhone.
Maybe she would rather have been on a picket line, but thats another post .
Because of my recent experiences and the news coverage, my opinion of some NHS staff.
Sadly, it isn’t good…
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Posted by: admin / Category:
Make the right choice…
I think what I should do is to put my thoughts into written words as I have them. What currently happens is that my overactive mind will be saying them, it might be something for the AB groups or for my blog, then the following day at the butt-crack of dawn I’ve forgotten the basic premise and rambled on into a hundred other topics. So what I vaguely remember from two nights ago is something like this:
Being diagnosed with a so-called autoimmune incurable disease is quite frankly… a devastating and heartbreaking thing to hear.
Coming to terms with the prognosis of there’s nothing that can be done to change what “they” believe to be the dark, damp, and frustrating stairway down to the end of your life.. is a very depressing place to be.
Contrary to what the drug pushing nay sayers believe, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, okay its not easy, it’s not a “just take these pills for life” solution.
You have to make a choice to persevere with a lifestyle change. No more Dairy, Gluten or refined sugar… actually I personally will have some fruits with minimal amounts of fructose, but I have been AB compliant for 5 years.
The ABP, the Ann Boroch Protocol is that warming gut friendly, life giving light, my suggestion, for what it’s worth is to pay close attention to what people in the know who’ve been there, done that and healed their body by adapting to a lifestyle change say and recommended, rather than accepting the depressing naysayers words of “it’s all over now”.
Make the right choice…
We are here for you.
Janet, Martha and me(Stefan)
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Posted by: admin / Category:
No!!! It just means…
Firstly I have to say that in life, we all have to have an open mind…
None of us know everything!!!
When the medical fraternity say that from their experience that a particular disease is incurable, does that mean it is incurable?
It just means that they have been told by the pharmaceutical giants that its incurable.
Does That mean it’s incurable?
It just means that from their point of view it’s not financially viable to find a cure..
They probably could invent a “fix all pill” but in reality they can make much more profit by adding customers for however long their life will be.
Think about it?
When Ann Boroch was diagnosed with MS, there wasn’t a FIX ALL PILL, there still isn’t!!!
What she did was painstakingly research to find specifically what was causing the problems that cumatively are bunched together and called multiple sclerosis. She then set about creating what is now known as the Ann Boroch Protocol.
It doesn’t happen overnight.
But it does happen.
Buying the book, studying what she said.
Following the protocol correctly, and then after 4 or 5 years multiple sclerosis will not be a problem in your body.
There’s no “quick fix “, it just means that You will help your body to Heal itself…
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Posted by: admin / Category:
I can and…
Every day is a challenge for most people, but even more so when you have one of the many “so-called incurable diseases” in my particular case, it’s multiple sclerosis.
Now I said “so called incurable diseases.” Because in my opinion most are not incurable, it’s just that the pariahs known a big pharma make billions in profit every year by glamourising their supposed efforts to find a cure and they use very clever advertising to make the uninformed public think they are, when in reality that’s never going to happen.
It’s a sad state of affairs when the genuine medical professionals are hampered by the giants that are happy to revel in extortionate profits at the expense of people who are dying.
You only have to look at one of the many true health pioneers, Ann Boroch who completely healed her body after she had been diagnosed with the same hideous disease I was told I had, multiple sclerosis.
Where’s Ann know? years after she healed herself, as have thousands of others that followed her protocol. Many of us know the truth, in that her life was taken by those that would rather gain lifelong customers.
I’ll not be specific, but I’m sure you can work it out yourself.
As far as I’m concerned from an MS standpoint, because of the ABP, that’s history, a fall because of my own overconfidence and the massive backlog in operations through the pandemic has kept me bedbound, but I’m 100% committed to repairing my leg damage and ĺiving again rather than existing.
Anyone who knows me will genuinely know that I can, and I will…
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