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Our goal…
Obviously there are people with desires and ambition and that is great, it’s what has enabled the world to move forward and develop but sadly some people have hidden agendas in that they don’t care about the damage caused in their quest.
I’ve so much to say that sometimes I realize that I’ve strayed from my original intentions.
Okay, let’s look at health, in order to achieve almost any goal it’s always going to be reached easier if the person trying is healthy.
When anyone is sick or suffering with a health condition, if it’s serious enough most people will go see a doctor.
The problem with most medical practitioners is that they ask what symptoms they have. A good place to start, yes, but… the problems in most cases can escalate from here because in most cases, not all but most, the doctor will use what knowledge and experience he or she has to apply guesswork as to which drug will work best, if that drug doesn’t help after a couple of weeks or a month if they’ve prescribed an antilife pill, oops sorry it is anti-life but they refer to it as an antibiotic.
I think I’ve got the Ronnie Corbett syndrome.. haha.
Okay as we all know the human body is an amazing thing with the ability to heal itself over time, sadly because we as humans consume a great many complex man-made and synthetic additives, the natural process of self-healing is hindered.But what is in or excreted will always tell us what’s genuinely wrong.So a Blood test, a Urine test and examining fecal matter will reveal genuine answers.No it won’t tell you exactly what is wrong but it will give a far more accurate indication of how the health condition can be addressed.Attempting to correct the cause of the problem rather than prescribing drugs to treat symptoms.So if people in general had a little more patience and stop demanding a “pill” which would in turn enable the medical professionals to do what they were trained to do and abide by the Hippocratic Oath…To do no harm…If they examined what is in, I.e. Blood and lymphatic fluid.What comes out, as in Urine and fecal matter then work backwards they would genuinely solve the problem.It would minimise the constant lines of patients at doctors surgeries.It would massively reduce the sick days and massively improve production.It obviously would reduce the disgustingly high profits of big pharma, in reality the most important thing is better health for mankind. That should be Our Goal…
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But I’ll never…
It’s really weird how things change and what was the perfectly natural ways in a particular industry have changed so much so because of organisations that are only interested in profit.
A couple of days ago I wrote about how diseases…. not just mild sicknesses but deadly diseases have been created. Yes you have read that correctly…. a great many diseases have been purposely created by the pharmaceutical giants who at the same time are investing millions on drugs that treat one of the many symptoms of the horrendous disease.
They promote themselves as a caring and considerate giant when in reality they are manipulative money-grabbing pariahs.
About ten years ago an ex big pharma worker, a whistleblower released an inter-company memo from an annual big pharma meeting being held in Las Vegas stating that by 2025 they intended to have every one of the 330 million US population to be taking at least one prescription or Otc drug.
She also released information relating to both my claims.
As far as I’m concerned the advertising industry is as much to blame as the “shitbags” making the addictive side effect-laden drugs.
It’s become perfectly normal now to believe we are lucky to make it through life and not get Cancer or MS, ME or MND or one of the other 20 supposedly incurable diseases.
Disease… all Diseases non of them are incurable!!! It’s just that the pharmaceutical pariahs have chosen to not find a cure.
Going back to the start of this article and foods..
Fifty years ago all crops, fruit and vegetables were grown naturally with nothing unnatural sprayed on them but now it’s considered weird to only want organic foods. Okay there wouldn’t be as many crops harvested but on the positive side there wouldn’t be as many sick people.
Drugs treat symptoms, symptoms of a disease created by the pharmaceutical giants whose efforts are lining their pockets while making more and more customers.
They spend millions on advertising and government lobbying to ensure that the most influential never genuinely understand what’s happening.
Foods grown, processed and contaminated with toxic additives are one of the initial steps to creating a never-ending supply of customers who are then told that they will forever take a drug.
I know I’m saying things that will upset many unfortunate victims of these unconscionable people but its true.
I know I’m fighting s losing battle, but.
I’ll never stop trying…
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Your body will…
When you look at the published percentage of people that were genuinely sick with what is considered to be incurable diseases between 1900 – 1980 and the percentage between 1981 – 2022 there is a massive difference.Ignoring the world wars there is almost twice the amount during the last 41 years in comparison to the earlier 80 yearsDuring the earlier period people, especially children weren’t obese, yes there were some but nothing like the numbers of obese kids now.The world never knew about the 20+ different so-called incurable diseases.And stop with the ridiculous statement about medical science and now we know about them whereas then we didn’t.If that was a valid argument then just because the doctors now know wouldn’t have had any bearing on whether people had it then and died or not.I don’t know the exact figure but I honestly believe that roughly 90% of all illness is created by what is eaten, drunk or consumed.I’ve written about this on numerous occasions that the sweet toxin known as sugar is one of the primary offenders.Add the preservatives and Monosodium glutamate (MSG) which is added to the majority of non-organic foods and it’s easy to see why these problems exist.Food manufacturers, Big pharma and the Advertising companies are all guilty.What’s happened is the manufacturers don’t give a crap about how their “Fankenfoods” damage your body because they are in league with the pioneers in the Sick care industry, it’s a massive money maker to them and are spending multimillions promoting them on every media outlet.Okay yes some people live longer but it’s not because they are healthier,it’s just the preservative drugs keeping them alive but in pain.It really bothers me by how much people are influenced and using pharmaceuticals in general, it’s conned so many into pumping themselves with Botox and filling their lips so much so that they look like they’ve been punched in the mouth. When the advertisers say…”remove the appearance of lines” … Read and understand!!!! It’s removing the Appearance of.. it’s pushing the surface out or just filling in the gaps, it’s not making you healthier it’s just painting over the cracks.Getting onto genuine health and MS specifically, the Ann Boroch Protocol is repairing your body from the inside .. Healing what has been damaged by years of unintentional abuse.That’s why it’s a four or five year Protocol, unlike pharmaceuticals that temporarily fix symptoms.I’m asking, I’m praying that people take control, accept that the “tastebud appealers” and the paint over the crack solutions are just temporary fixes.help your body heal from the inside.Your body will Thank You ..
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Winners never quit….
What can be so frustrating is when “others” on the outside say things like
“Why don’t you just”…
Or the pain will go away if you …
“Take one of those”, or “do that instead”.
The answer from their point of view is staring them right in the face, so they shake their heads and look so confused.
What they are seeing, but not genuinely understanding is that the obvious answer is only one that provides temporary relief.Yes it would make things better initially but within a short period, the relief of pain will become “the norm” meaning the easing of the extreme pain will gradually increase from acceptable pain with drug use back to extreme pain needing a bigger dosage of the drugs.What 99% of people do is simply go with the obvious answer and do not want to consider that addressing a symptom is simply a temporary answer.The way I see it is that the pain and frustration has to be accepted, while I go about the process of treating the genuine cause.Unfortunately this way means that the symptoms are still there, the pain and discomfort are no better initially, but slowly and surely the actual cause is being addressed.Sadly there’s no “quick fix” as there would be if a pharmaceutical drug was used.In my particular situation I honestly believe that 99% of my MS symptoms have gone, it’s mainly weak muscles, the weakness is being exacerbated because of the knee damage caused 3 years ago after my fall. Meaning being confined to bed/chair has meant muscle wastage in my legs.Having a special hospital bed would mean I’m not putting pressure on my butt for 24 hrs every day. But it would also mean I wouldn’t be bending my legs as much and losing thebrain/muscle connection. The muscles and joints just forget what was normal in standing, flexing and stretching, so blood and oxyhaemoglobin (oxygen) become strangers and it becomes increasingly more difficult or impossible to do what healthy people think of as normal.So I’m persevering with my method of not getting a hospital bed and coping with extreme pain in my left butt cheek, and yes it is extreme, its like being constantly sat on a drawing pin 📌 or occasionally the bigger ones causing more pain.I have no doubt whatsoever that I will genuinely find permanent relief and be walking again soon. I’ve given myself a challenge that by this coming June or July that I’ll be walking, with a frame initially yes, but walking.The title of this post is Winners never quit, that’s because,Quitters never win and I’m not a quitter…
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Not a quick fix…Sadly, one of the most successful businesses are the Advertising companies,they don’t need to know anything at all about the consequences of buying a particular product, they just need to produce an advert, be it for radio, magazines, the Internet or TV.What does this have to do with me? Nothing really, but it does make a huge difference to people in general and those suffering from a health condition.Advertisers promote a drug produced by pharmaceutical companies, and the uninformed masses see themas solutions to their problems and start taking the drug, masquerading as medicine and becoming addicted to them. Be it simple problems like a common cold or a more serious disease, big pharma has just increased its customer base.Think about it… even the basic Lemsip drinks are just hot lemon and paracetamol, they make you feel good temporarily.The fact is all “Drugs” prescribed or over the counter are designed to simply treat a symptom, nothing more, so you temporarily feel good and buy more.An analogy I often use is this:You come home and see water spilling out over the sink and the kitchen is flooded.Their recommendation is to mop up the water with lots of towels etc.My solution is to turn the tap off, pull the plug out of the sink, then mop up the water..In other words, address the Cause of the problem first then fix the symptoms.I know that taking a pill is easier and psychologically makes you feel better very quickly, but its only temporary, the actual cause is still there and will raise its ugly head again but graduĺy getting worse requiring stronger, more damaging drugs to make you feel as you did. It’s a never-ending circle, or as big pharma see it, a feeding of a cash cow.In this day and age its become normal to expect things to be done quickly and easily, most people have no patience when it comes to coping with pain, they want it fixed or relieved sooner rather than later. This is a big advantage as far as Big pharma is concerned, their products just block the signal to the brainThe human body is an incredible thing, when one of its senses perceives a problem, a signal is sent to the brain, telling you that what you are doing or have done isn’t good for You.The pain is your body’s way of indicating that you need to stop, change or address the Cause.What drugs do is simply prevent your brain from recognising the issue, it’s not stopping the problem, it’s just lying to you. Making you temporarily think you’re okay when it’s enabling the fire to burn more freely.Imagine your neighbour playing their music really loudYou just turn your TV up louder, okay for a few minutes until it gets louder and goes on right through the night, so you put head phones on, yes okay a temporary fix, surely it’s best to get your neighbour to turn the volume down.Okay, ranting over, I’m hoping you can relate this to having MS. Don’t go along with the naysayers and drug pushers, they aren’t interested in healing your damaged body, they just want another lifelong customer.Thousands like me have followed the advice and guidance of Janet Orchard in choosing to adapt to a lifestyle change called the Ann Boroch Protocol.We all know it’s not a quick fix but a four or five-year journey to a healthier life…
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Experts at…
Isn’t it amazing that just by taking a couple of paracetamol that
they can take away some terrible pain. Any pain caused by a twisted muscle, a strain, a cut, even a headache or whatever ĵust seems to be relieved by the painkillers, do you ever think about that? It’s amazing how a cheap painkiller can just “know” what part or parts of the body are in trouble and causing you such distress. I mean knowing that the painkiller from whatever pharmaceutical company can identify a problem in a body made up of trillions of cells can find the issue and relieve the pain.
If that’s the case then surely every drug for every health condition should be primarily based on cheap paracetamol.
So why do pharmaceutical companies say they’re spending millions and millions on research?
Well actually, they are!!! but not to find a cure for anything because in reality what they’re trying to do is simply find a way of relieving a symptom, that way they have a never-ending line of Customers.
Getting back to the painkillers, actually big pharma should be sued for breaching the Trade Description Act because they aren’t killing a pain, they are just preventing the pain signal from reaching the brain.
I’ll explain, as I said the body is made up of trillions of cells. Every one of the hundreds of thousands of muscles, organs, limbs and skin all communicate via a very intricate network of nerves to the brain.
Think of the road network in Britain, they all go to big and small locations but when they want to get to the Capital, London they all join with a motorway, lots of little roads and intersections but in the main, it’s reached via the M1.
Same with the body, miles upon miles of nerves combine at a “Gateway” before reaching the brain.
All signals of pain have to pass through the gateway, so the painkillers are simply jamming it up, the signal gets in but goes no further meaning the pain caused by a problem is still there and possibly getting worse but your brain is just never told about it.
There have been several “Whistle-blower articles published over the years but the trillion-dollar giants have the money to prevent the information from going mainstream and discrediting the author. Information about, creating disease then amazingly out of nowhere finding a “drug” to address it is never revealed.People like me and thousands of others share this information but because “they” are massive customers for the advertisers and spend millions on catchy jingles and advertisements that stick in everybody’s mind, people are convinced that big pharma couldn’t possibly be making a supposed cure that in reality is no more than an addictive over the counter drugSo next time, think before you take the addictive painkiller, do you want to Stop the pain from the Cause of the problem or would you rather the problem get worse but just not know aboutThe sad FACT is, big pharma are experts at telling lies…
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