More than…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

More than!!!

In life there are some people, no… a lot of people that often want to do something but don’t, they stop because they have a suitcase full of excuses, it might be the ” it just wasn’t right for me” or the ” I’ve tried everything but it just didn’t work” or “It’s too hard” or the old faithful “I just don’t like doing it”.
In reality those people will never truly get what they want, they just tell themselves and anyone that asks that they couldn’t get whatever it was because they’ve tried everything but its simply not possible, so they accept what they have is as good as it gets.
I can’t live like that…
There are things that I would like to happen, they’re not obviously achievable but the way I see it is that if it’s not worked, if I’ve been knocked down or backwards I have to suck it up, take it on the chin and try again.
Just look at anything that’s been done in the past, they didn’t just happen…
There are things nowadays that when considered to what was normal a hundred years ago seem absolutely incredible, just look at transport in general and the quality of millions of developments that today we just take for granted.
A thousand mistakes or failed attempts have happened but perseverance is key.
I’m not saying that our efforts are on a par with the Einstein’s of the past but we have to genuinely try and not give in just because we stumbled.
Thinking back to when this protocol was developed.
Ann made mistakes..
Janet made mistakes and was in pain.
I’ve made mistakes and I’m in pain 24/7..
Martha has made mistakes, but what we haven’t done is make excuses and give up.
You, yes You…
Have to adopt the attitude of “I will succeed”.
Believe in what you’re doing, believe in yourself.
Tens of thousands have failed… why ? because of the suitcase I mentioned earlier, but guess what? Thousands HAVE succeeded because they refused to accept defeat.
I see myself, and you should too as being the difference that will make a difference, and then TELL YOURSELF.

” I am more than Enough”…

It’s not that…. its this…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

It’s not that!!! It’s this..

There is a big difference in the importance of choices we make if a person is healthy or unhealthy.
For the majority it’s simply down to one thing or the other…do I like it or not..?
Sadly its a little more complicated when you are one of the people like myself that has an illness the medical fraternity have all chosen to accept the catorization of being “incurable”… so when all of the so called experts…. HA!!!
have given up, its so much harder to remain firm in your belief that there must be a way, surely the continuation of being alive has got to be more than just “existing”.
Getting back to choices, having an illness, a serious life debilitating illness
like MS and always having the option of “do I accept defeat” and just exist in pain, frustration, humiliation and solitude or do I make the choice of No !!! I’m not giving up!!! I’m going to keep trying…

When you’ve made that choice, you have to be strong and committed to make choices you don’t like. I would love to have a pizza or Big Mac or ice cream occasionally but I know it would have serious implications, it would jeopardise my longterm plan to heal my body. So the choice of do I like and want it or not doesn’t matter…
It’s not that, it’s this..
Will it help or hinder me in my quest to Live again…