Not what they say…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

They say…

Being diagnosed with a disease or more specifically a supposedly “incurable” disease like multiple sclerosis is, I can tell you from personal experience a daunting and heartbreaking description of how you life will end in a non specified period of time.
You aren’t told that you only have a very limited time to live, no, but you are told that you will slowly and surely lose the ability to use your limbs, as in your arms and hands won’t be able to function properly, your strength will fade and more dramatically you won’t be able to walk.
All very dramatic, but you’ll also be told of the wonderful medication that’s been developed by the drug companies.. I find it hard to give them the official description of “Pharmaceutical companies “…. they are just drug companies making addictive drugs that may…possibly easy one of the many symptoms of whatever classification of MS you have.
So, the neurologist will try to make you feel comfortable accepting his advice of how your very restricted and limited time on earth will be.
In their view you should just accept that the physical side of your life is “over”.. no more long walks or hours browsing your favourite shopping mall, or in my particular case, no skydiving, hang gliding, rock climbing, mountain biking, scuba diving or flying small aircraft as was my life prior to diagnosis.
I never accepted what the neurologist told me nor have I ever taken any disease modifying drugs, instead I personally searched for possible treatments or therapies or supplements that could Genuinely Help as opposed to masking a symptom. I worked fulltime for a further eight years after diagnosis, even though the neurologist told me I’d be in a wheelchair within six months if I didn’t take his drugs…
Ha !!!!
It was 13 years before I was lucky to learn of the Ann Boroch Protocol which has Genuinely given me hope for a return to what can be perceived as “Life” not just existing..
In my own particular case I just feel more motivated and inspired to persevere and try as hard physically to improve my strength, strange feeling really, just by mentally adjusting in your mind as to what could possibly happen if…. if certain things happen makes an amazing difference.
So, going back to the title of this post, the life you will, yes Will have has nothing to do with what “they say”…
It’s more specifically based on your own personal attitude, if you tell yourself that you can’t beat this hideous soul destroying disease, or if you motivate and inspire and tell yourself that you can and will overcome what is perceived to be impossible.
You’re right!!!

Just my opinion…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Again…my opinion..

Seeing the TV commercials emphasising how important it is to open windows to create a throughput of air in the house, regardless of a couple of people or a gathering of many is obviously brilliant and extremely effective advice.
If one or more people have coronavirus with or without symptoms, there isn’t a think black cloud accumulating as depicted on TV.. it’s a microscopic mist which will be easily dissipated with constant fresh air.
No, applying the same logic and in my opinion….Common Sense to this issue…
Why oh why… wear stupid masks that do no more than compound the problem for the wearer all that’s happening is the person is constantly compounding the problem by keeping and recycling the virus inside themselves making it multiple times worse.
I really fail to understand why anyone with an ounce of intelligence cannot see that.
No wonder there is a requirement to have jab after jab after jab.
If you breath in the virus, it’s initially in your lungs, Get it out!!!! Don’t help it by letting it develope and multiply compounding the problem in your body..
I’m 66 yrs old with a severely compromised immune system as I have MS…I’ve had coronavirus twice… and completely eliminated it from my body..
Could it have been the booster jab? No because I haven’t had one..
Maybe it was the second? Again No…didn’t have that either.
Surely it must have been the initial No…
No jabs…ever and no MS medication ever, no freaking pharmaceutical drugs period.
Am I just lucky, a one off anomaly. No I am just someone that doesn’t believe in that shite..sorry for my language.
I do take Lipospheric Vitamin C which has been scientifically proven to kill all known virus including corona virus.
The medical professionals and governments around the world have been completely brainwashed by big pharma…
The jabs are worth billions and billions to the pharmaceutical industry, the coronavirus will go if people stop having injections of drugs that treat symptoms and kill the virus once and for all with Lipospheric Vitamin C.
Who am I?
I’m not a scientist or doctor but I do have a background in natural medicine, oh and I was a director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing.
This article is just my opinion…

It freaking…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

It freaking…

In my own personal opinion I have to say that I’ve always had an inquisitive mind, I tend to not just take the answer of, “well that’s how it’s always been, so it must be right”…
There are so many things in life that we learn as children that are just so!!!
we don’t ask why because people…politicians, doctors, scientists and others that are supposedly more intelligent or qualified or just know because it’s their business not ours.
In the main I can see the logic behind that attitude, but from a health standpoint another party comes into play, one with a hidden agenda…
Who could that be I wonder?
Who could possibly be willing to hide the truth simply on the basis of it makes massively more profit for them..
Surely an organisation wouldn’t hide information from the public knowing it would seriously damage the innocent uninformed masses.
Sadly there are such companies, they also spend millions on professing that they themselves are working tirelessly to help….not true!!!
Okay you’ve guessed it…
Big pharma as the collective pharmaceutical companies are known have no interest whatsoever in actually curing a disease or any illness… why would they? They simply make drugs that help pacify a symptom of an illness.
That way they are seen as “the good guys” helping mankind. But in reality what they are really doing is building and perpetuating their own customer base.
When I was originally diagnosed with MS back in February of 2004, as I’ve said before, I refused to accept it was incurable and refused to take any symptom treating drug. Instead I set about trying to find answers, unlike Big pharma or research companies I didn’t have access to special facilities, so I used myself as a guinea-pig. I worked full time for 8 years after diagnosis until 2013 when I returned to England after 11 years in the USA.
Five years later and after multiple attempts of trying I heard about the ABP and started on this life changing protocol.
It not an easy thing to do, how could it be, those lying, manipulating, money grabbing #@$%holes have conned the medical professionals into believing it’s incurable so a simple lifestyle change must have its difficulties..
Yes it does, but regardless of that and the four or five years it takes..
It freaking works…

Not just…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Not just…

When big pharma who collectively are a trillion dollar industry make a statement to the world that a disease is now considered to be “incurable” they’ve done that because it’s financially more beneficial to them.
To make a statement that they’ve worked tirelessly to create a drug that will “cure” multiple sclerosis providing that the sufferer stops eating specific foods as well, puts them in a difficult position. If MS wasn’t cured they would potentially open themselves up to being sued… so instead they tell the world that its impossible to cure but they have found a way to minimise some of the symptoms.
So now they can be perceived as an honorable body trying their best to help mankind.
It’s so frustrating to know that they’ve been spending millions on advertising and financially promoting their drugs to whomever will help further their cause.
It’s so much easier to have small print saying that a drug should be taken on an empty stomach or with food, knowing that they aren’t promising anything.
Anyway as I’ve personally spent many years being in contact with ex big pharma employees and researching the “Putin” like pariahs I never have nor ever will take their pharmaceutical suppressants…

Every one of the 2.3 million MS sufferers are unique, so following the ABP which without a doubt is in my opinion the best way of beating this hideous disease, but it means that there will always be minor tweaks required.
Ann never stated that all the compliant foods must be eaten, but she did say that none of the non compliant foods should pass your lips.
I personally started on the protocol 4 1/2 years ago, am I healed yet,?…no, but the only obvious symptom now is a weakness exacerbated by the fall two years ago.
That fall seriously damaged my knees which has resulted in being bedridden since.
But I’m still 100% committed to the protocol and know I’ll be healed.
A big part of this is reading her books, talking to Janet, Martha and myself plus some of the many others who’ve been there and done that, then believe, absolutely believe it.
Adopt the attitude that I have when I’m asked if I’m healed, my response is…
Not just yet…