The only way…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

The only way…

About six months ago I came across a new website called New Beginnings which I was curious about so I got in touch asking for more information and was contacted by a very interesting man, I don’t think it’s appropriate to name him. Anyway he went to great lengths explaing how he’d completely removed MS within about 12 months about 20 years previously but for one reason or another the disease had resurfaced so he had returned to the methods he’d used and was confident he’d he healthy again.
Obviously, as anyone would I asked lots of questions but was only told that his methods were not complicated but must be adhered to if long term healing were to happen. Again I expressed an interest but emphasized that the Ann Boroch Protocol was something I would be sticking with as it is a proven success story.
After several lengthy telephone conversations he explained about Beetroot juice… (Brj)….of which I, like many others have a reasonably good knowledge of.
He talked about the reduction of numerous foods, not unlike the ABP so as far as I could see apart from the sugar content I didn’t think it could be a difficult thing to incorporate with the ABP knowing the potential benefits could possibly be life changing, so I adopted the “guinea pig attitude and stepped forward.
Over the coming months I definitely noticed improvements in several ways, I initially drank 500ml of organic Beetroot juice daily but I really don’t like the taste so searched for an alternative and found a 70ml concentrate to use instead.
Anyway because I’d been told that the sugars were a vital component to this method I continued… but a little while ago, based on personal experience and how I was feeling I stopped taking the brj and now only take capsules that I feel are helping and don’t have the sugar content.
My overall demeanor and physical feelings are better which has restored my optimistic views for my future.
Looking back I can definitely see a positive side to the juice/capsules but not as an alternative or replacement to the ABP.

I don’t know the exact reason even after talking with the wife of the man that originally told me of the Brj method but he very sadly has passed away, it might have been a car crash, an accident or any of a million other ways not necessarily anything to do with the juice. ..R.I.P. GA..

Regardless of that sad news I’m committed once again strictly to the Ann Boroch Protocol to heal my body which I feel is only way…

P.s. please accept my apologies if anything I’ve said has offended you.

Don’t shoot me…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Don’t shoot me…

I know I’m going to offend some readers, but guess what?, I’m not going to apologise, please open your eyes and stop simply accepting the lies.

I have been mulling over whether I should or shouldn’t write this post for a month or so, but I have to voice my opinion. Firstly I’ll make it very clear that the coronavirus is a worldwide threat, it has to be taken seriously by everyone.
I’m not an anti-vaxer per sè but I am against taking the piss out of mankind, as are the evil money grabbing pariahs known as Big pharma who are laughing all the way to the bank.
The pharmaceutical giants generated about $405 billion in 2020, the exact figure for 2021 isn’t available yet but is likely to be in excess of $500 billion.
That being the case you can understand why they have no intention whatsoever of actually wiping out the cash cow…. known to the human race as the coronavirus.
Now I’m absolutely sure that about 95% of people reading this will be cussing and swearing at what they perceive as my stupidity, but trust me here, what You Think and what I Know are two very different things.
What you think… is what the medical professionals and the government are being told by big pharma, who are Only interested in one thing.. their Profits….
What I know is what I’ve personally seen and experienced first hand.

I must point out three things…

Wearing conventional masks does nothing more than constantly recycle the crap you have inside you, making your own personal health worse. It doesn’t need to be 6 feet, but a few feet apart and fresh air will help.

The vaccinations …. the first…. the second…. oh yes and the booster, rest assured will become a 3 monthly thing until these assholes are exposed for what they really are.

Lipospheric Vitamin C … KILLS ALL KNOWN VIRUS and that’s a scientifically proven fact.

What truly amazes and frustrates the life out of me is how a complete bunch of utter SHITE..can be said by people governing our country and it is blindly accepted.
They, and it doesn’t matter which party it is because they all lie.

They said that the vaccine was 75% successful, oh wow….but what they should have said is that the vaccine will sort of slow the coronavirus down in three out of four people and that there’s a great chance that some people WILL have negative side effects from the 20 or 30 unpronounceable other ingredients.

In my opinion it would have been soooo much better if they’d simply given a bottle of Lipospheric Vitamin C with no side effects to everyone. Most importantly it would have killed off every variant, it would have saved lives and it would have saved BILLIONS, yes Billions of pounds as these horrible people with no conscience whatsoever continue to ruin our lives.
It’s £2.7 billion so far and likely to double over the next year not to mention the detrimental effect on UK business.

As I’ve said before, Vitamin C is natural and can’t be patented…
The lipospheric method of encapsulating the Vitamin was created more than 11 years ago meaning big pharma can’t make billions of profit.
So they will spend millions trying to discredit this method and continue to persuade governments in whatever way they can.

I’m sure most people will either know or know of people that have been killed, see, I said killed not have died because of the coronavirus but killed even though they had had a jab or two.
The vaccines treat symptoms, nothing more.
Boost your immune system, take Lipospheric Vitamin C (Lipolife Gold) is best and let it Kill the freaking virus.
I can visualise it now as most of you are shaking your heads thinking that big pharma couldn’t be that calculatingly evil but they are and hopefully one day soon you’ll all realise it and get so mad.

But when you do, remember dont shoot me, I’m just an unbiased messenger…

My choice is…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

My choice is…

When I’d been living in the beautiful state of Colorado for two years at that time, back in 2004 I’d gone to the doctor because of becoming extremely weak and was experiencing a total lack of coordination, I was tripping over the most ridiculous, obvious and small things. The doctors visit lead to a 4 day hospital stay where they carried out about six or seven complex tests including MRI and C.A.T. scan, eventually the neurologist, a down to earth matter-of-fact kind of guy told me that I had multiple sclerosis. He went on to say that it was an incurable disease but with the help of the latest pharmaceutical drugs I’d be able to live, albeit in a restricted way, he also pointed out that the drugs would be a lifelong commitment.
As I’ve said before, I refused to take the drugs and never have taken any.

So… the worlds medical community, the Scientists, PhD’s, Neurologists and all so-called MS experts that have written numerous books on the subject, the medical researchers are all of the same opinion that the disease called multiple sclerosis is incurable.

As I’m sure you can imagine upon hearing that, those words struck abject fear into my heart. Its a terrible thing for anyone to hear, but when you’ve been so physically active as I’d been, I can honestly say I didn’t want to live anymore and genuinely considered suicide.

No more hiking, no visits to the gym, no running, skydiving, rock climbing, mountain biking, scuba diving, hang gliding or flying, as was my pre-MS life.
It took a week or so before my I’m a scouser with a powerful German born mother attitude kicked in and told myself that regardless of what all the experts said, I’m never going to let the hideous disease beat me.

I think the majority of people in life have been completely brainwashed when it comes to what doctors say about what they refer to as medicine..

This is how Wikipedia describe medicine:

  1. The science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.


medical science

practice of medicine





healing art

  1. a drug or other preparation for the treatment or prevention of disease
    It’s strange that nowhere does it say anything about treating a symptom of the actual disease which is genuinely what ALL PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS do.
    In my own personal struggle, actually I’ll change that to challenge..
    Nearly two years ago, 22 months, I over extended myself and my knees buckled under me. I was in that extremely painful position for an hour and a half, it was a further four hours before an ambulance came.
    I’ve been in bed ever since so my lockdown has been my bedroom, I’m trying my hardest to remain positive but it is hard especially as the sciatica and bedsores are a 24/7 problem.
    But I’ve maintained my plan of beating MS by sticking to the Ann Boroch Protocol which in reality is even harder to do when eating a comfort food is so enticing.

Getting back to my point.
I honestly believe that it’s always easier to just accept what the so called “experts” say …. Option 1… and just take the side effect riddled drug that will probably make you feel a little better in the short term, or. Option 2… which requires spending some time actually learning what will genuinely help for the long-term and truly give you your life back.
Yes it takes a lot longer to achieve and its going to include pain and frustration but I know for certain that my choice is Option 2…

Expect different…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Expect different…

Following up from my previous post, looking at the facts, not my opinion but facts..
There is a massive difference in the population of China and that of the UK.

The total number of coronavirus deaths in China with a population of almost 1.5 billion is 4,636 that’s four thousand six hundred and thirty six.
The total number of deaths in the UK is 150,000.
Meaning one in every 323,554 people in China have died but in the UK with a population of 67 million means, one in every 446 people have died, so living in the UK means you are 725 times more likely to die from coronavirus than you are if you live in china.
Again I must reiterate that this is NOT MY OPINION…these are statistical FACTS…

When a person contracts the virus and is or isn’t showing symptoms but is wearing a mask and has had two or three jabs all that’s happening is every exhaled breath is trapped within the mask so is just inhaled again making your own situation so much worse.

You can’t keep doing the same things and expect different results.

I’m not a scientist nor do I profess to know the definitive answer, but I do know that the methods presently being used are not working.
I also know for a fact that lipospheric Vitamin C kills ALL KNOWN VIRUS…

Something wrong here..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Something wrong here..

We are lucky here in the UK to have such an advantage over so many other countries around the world, we are more advanced technologically, we have an amazing health service, our transport and information service is amongst the best in the world so surely we should all feel blessed and be in a much healthier state than those others with less.
The government, bless them, are trying to do the best they can, and I’m sure they are based on the information given to them !!!
But who is giving them information 🤔
Hmm oh yes I know, it’s the most scientifically advanced pharmaceutical giants in the world, and these incredibly knowledgeable companies only want the best for us…. or do they?

The most advanced pharmaceutical giants are in the USA and Europe so that means we are getting the best of the best when it comes to healthcare in general…. yes on that front but what about vaccinations and advice relating to the coronavirus?

The news service are keeping us informed about what the experts are suggesting and in turn what the government is telling us to do.

That being the case I wonder if the information, advice and mandatory requirements are actually correct.

Looking at other, less fortunate countries, such as Lesotho whose population is only 2.2 million, they don’t have a pharmaceutical company or detailed advice, their recommendations are to stay 1 metre apart and wash hands frequently, strange really that by just doing that they have had only 279 deaths…
Now look at Saudi Arabia whose population is 34.8 million, just more than that of the UK, they have had 8,892 deaths.
Egypt has over 102 million people but have only had less than 22,000 deaths…
Japan is even better, their population is over 125 million but have had only 14.4 thousand deaths.
So is having such an influential pharmaceutical presence good or bad for the country?

Germany has 83.2m population and 114,000 deaths
The UK has 67m and 150,000 deaths.
The USA 329.5m and 886 000 deaths..
This being the case you’d imagine that the world biggest country, China would have an astronomical amount of deaths knowing their population is almost four times larger that the USA, but no its not…
There has only been 4,636 deaths..
It seems like the the advice, the vaccines and attitude towards the coronavirus isn’t really what is best for us..
After doing some research ot appears to me that there’s something wrong here..

Living is…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Living is…

Being diagnosed with any disease is a horribly depressing thing to hear, but when the doctor or neurologist or whatever medical expert tells you that the disease is incurable, its only natural that you will feel that the little life you have left is going to be filled with pain, frustration and despondency so what’s the point in anything.
I know back in February 2004 when I was diagnosed and told that my only option was to take Dmd’s to help ease the pain you can imagine the shocked look on neurologist face when I refused to take any drugs and told him that I’d tackle it on my own…
Unsurprisingly he called me an idiot…. he actually became red faced and used  much stronger words, but he was a very experienced neurologist from New York.
As I’ve said before I continued working full-time for a further 7 years before returning to England.
About 5 years after that and numerous attempts to rid myself of MS, unsuccessfully, I heard about Ann Boroch and the protocol she developed to heal known as the Ann Boroch Protocol  (ABP) which I’ve been using.
The protocol is primarily based on eliminating certain food groups from consumption and adding specific supplements which over time will heal the organs in the body.
Obviously it’s a plan that should be followed meticulously, it’s not as simple or basic as “one  size fits all” because every person’s inner workings are different, our age, gender, how long we’ve had MS,  our mental state, attitude, location and a million other things come into play here, so it’s not practical to put a definitive time scale on actual healing, but it will happen in time, so following the protocol requires determination and commitment.
Over the years since starting on the ABP  I definitely experienced days in the first few months that I seriously doubted my decision and myself but as the months became years and the multiple symptoms lessened to the point that the only obvious symptom is weakness in my legs, my attitude is very different.
However….  because of a fall in March last year resulting in serious knee damage and being bedbound since, I’ve not been able to do what I would have been able to do.
Now I’m not superhuman, I try and try to motivate and encourage myself, I live alone, my sister comes over in the morning and opens the blinds and chats for 30 or 40 minute, my carers come for an hour at 11 then again at 6.15 for 30 mins but apart from that it’s just me, I’m sitting in the same position in bed for 23.5 hours everyday, for 23 months and I only sleep for 3 or 4 hours at night.
So it’s hasn’t been easy, there has been numerous issues with my benefits and having to pay hundreds of pounds every month towards my care. I live in a one bedroom house with ONE radiator but have paid over £5,350 for electricity for 26 months, I’ve begged and begged the supplier to make a physical check to prove the power is not being used by me but THEY know best, according to them.
Maybe you can understand that staying positive and optimistic during those times has been hard, on top of that I’ve lost my true love… but… but I’m going to win this battle regardless of the doubters around me, they all want me to heal and they believe that I believe I will do it.
I know they all are hoping it will happen but I can see the doubts in their eyes.

Following a tried, tested and PROVEN protocol to heal from what the worlds medical experts say is incurable doesn’t happen overnight, its a long hard road to travel, the road is full of pot holes, twists and turns, we will struggle, our energy and enthusiasm will fade but we have to believe, life is worth more than all the pain, frustration, humiliation and heartache.
Giving up is easy.
Winning is hard..but in my opinion…

Living !!!! is worth fighting for…

Living is…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Living is…

Being diagnosed with any disease is a horribly depressing thing to hear, but when the doctor or neurologist or whatever medical expert tells you that the disease is incurable, its only natural that you will feel that the little life you have left is going to be filled with pain, frustration and despondency so what’s the point in anything.
I know back in February 2004 when I was diagnosed and told that my only option was to take Dmd’s to help ease the pain you can imagine the shocked look on neurologist face when I refused to take any drugs and told him that I’d tackle it on my own…
Unsurprisingly he called me an idiot…. he actually became red faced and used  much stronger words, but he was a very experienced neurologist from New York.
As I’ve said before I continued working full-time for a further 7 years before returning to England.
About 5 years after that and numerous attempts to rid myself of MS, unsuccessfully, I heard about Ann Boroch and the protocol she developed to heal known as the Ann Boroch Protocol  (ABP) which I’ve been using.
The protocol is primarily based on eliminating certain food groups from consumption and adding specific supplements which over time will heal the organs in the body.
Obviously it’s a plan that should be followed meticulously, it’s not as simple or basic as “one  size fits all” because every person’s inner workings are different, our age, gender, how long we’ve had MS,  our mental state, attitude, location and a million other things come into play here, so it’s not practical to put a definitive time scale on actual healing, but it will happen in time, so following the protocol requires determination and commitment.
Over the years since starting on the ABP  I definitely experienced days in the first few months that I seriously doubted my decision and myself but as the months became years and the multiple symptoms lessened to the point that the only obvious symptom is weakness in my legs, my attitude is very different.
However….  because of a fall in March last year resulting in serious knee damage and being bedbound since, I’ve not been able to do what I would have been able to do.
Now I’m not superhuman, I try and try to motivate and encourage myself, I live alone, my sister comes over in the morning and opens the blinds and chats for 30 or 40 minute, my carers come for an hour at 11 then again at 6.15 for 30 mins but apart from that it’s just me, I’m sitting in the same position in bed for 23.5 hours everyday, for 23 months and I only sleep for 3 or 4 hours at night.
So it’s hasn’t been easy, there has been numerous issues with my benefits and having to pay hundreds of pounds every month towards my care. I live in a one bedroom house with ONE radiator but have paid over £5,350 for electricity for 26 months, I’ve begged and begged the supplier to make a physical check to prove the power is not being used by me but THEY know best, according to them.
Maybe you can understand that staying positive and optimistic during those times has been hard, on top of that I’ve lost my true love… but… but I’m going to win this battle regardless of the doubters around me, they all want me to heal and they believe that I believe I will do it.
I know they all are hoping it will happen but I can see the doubts in their eyes.

Following a tried, tested and PROVEN protocol to heal from what the worlds medical experts say is incurable doesn’t happen overnight, its a long hard road to travel, the road is full of pot holes, twists and turns, we will struggle, our energy and enthusiasm will fade but we have to believe, life is worth more than all the pain, frustration, humiliation and heartache.
Giving up is easy.
Winning is hard..but in my opinion…

Living !!!! is worth fighting for…