I’m not healed yet but I am much closer than I would have been if I’d never started and followed the Ann Boroch Protocol, so I’m very grateful and lucky. I say lucky but that’s not strictly true because of the terrible damage to my knees in the fall in March last year which is eighteen months ago, eighteen months in bed I can tell you is not a nice thing. Obviously with the help of my wonderful carers I’m able to be in the bathroom for 45 minutes each day to do what’s necessary which means it’s only 23 hours and 15 mins looking at the same three walls, aren’t I the lucky one.
I can imagine that the majority of people wouldn’t just go “stir crazy” but bloody bonkers and severely depressed, so why and how doesn’t it affect me like that…
Hmmm, I could say it’s because I’m just a freaking amazing superhuman, but that isn’t true. I’m no better than anyone else, I just think positively about my longterm goal which is healing.
That’s the “why”…
As far as the how is concerned I watch lots of inspirational and motivational videos on YouTube.
There are thousands to chose from, Dr Wayne Dyer, God rest his soul was an absolutely amazing man, I love the multitude of “Motiversity ” videos that constantly push me to achieve just a little bit more.
So, my friends take a look at the above videos and ask questions from Janet, myself or anyone in the Admin or Support group, constantly tell yourself that you can and will beat this.
When it comes down to succeeding just remember that you can do anything, if you “Believe” it…the only proviso is just that you believe in yourself, not the negative naysayers that keep harping on about being realistic.. being realistic is just your own version, so focus on what “You personally believe ” and make that your dominant feeling and remember this, you can do anything…yes Anything if…
You really WANT TO…
I was diagnosed in Feb 04… Yes
The neurologist prescribed drugs…Yes
Did I take them?… No
Was I told I would be sicker…Yes
Am I ?… No
Have I ever taken DMD’s… No
Have my symptoms worsened…No
Am I depressed… No
Do I believe I will heal?… Yes
Do I Know I will be healthy?…Yes
My thoughts and beliefs are that it’s true the worlds medical experts all believe that this hideous disease is incurable, but in reality that is based on what the pharmaceutical giants have told tham and want them to believe because its far more profitable to treat symptoms as opposed to curing any disease.
So knowing this I will never take a pharmaceutical drug, but will continue following a proven, yes proven protocol not anecdotal theory. Myself and the others, before, now and in the future are very lucky that Ann Boroch created the ABP, the protocol that enables the body to heal itself.
It’s not Rocket science, it’s not a Miracle, but it is Fact and…
This is what I KNOW…
Looking back on your life, obviously it’s my life that I look back on, but its you that will be doing that now. You don’t have to have been significantly successful in business or sport but I’m sure there will be something specific to you that you’re really proud of, how you helped people in the past, giving birth, raising your child or children, guiding them, seeing them do well in school or whatever it is or was, there is a point or thing that “you” are proud of… remember that, feel it and let that be your inspiration and motivation for getting yourself out of that gluey, unseen by others substance holding you down, the transparent bubble of frustration.
A doctor said it could be MS, then the neurologist officially diagnosed you and spent time explaining in an “I’m an expert and know best” way that the disease was incurable but that there are drugs to help you cope with the symptoms that will take over your body, those people all had good intentions, they wanted the best but in reality they didn’t know the truth, they didn’t know of Ann Boroch or the protocol she developed to heal a body of that hideous life sucking disease as she had done. The doctors and neurologists didn’t know what was genuinely best for you, they thought they did so can’t be condemned but now it’s you that knows of and are following the ABP. In its basic design its not “rocket science” its not a protocol only understood by “specialists”, its an easy to understand guide to removing toxins and rebuilding your body so that “it” yes “It” can heal itself. You aren’t putting synthetic or chemical substances in your mouth to numb your natural receptors on a temporary basis enabling you to exist, not genuinely live. The protocol is hard, in that you have to deny yourself of foods your tastebuds crave, but it is achievable, you can do it, you Will do it. The only real problem is that we now live in a world or getting things straight away, our tastebuds are rewarded instantly, credit cards and “hire purchase” mean “we want and can get” in a heartbeat. But the ABP isn’t like that, you have to restrict what you eat, there are bad days initially and it takes years to genuinely heal yourself. But it does happen, it just requires you to be strong, think back to the pride you had years ago, remember it and let it take the dominant place in your heart and mind and remember this.
No matter how frustrating, how painful it can be by sticking to the protocol, if you never give up…
You will never lose…
When I was initially diagnosed with MS in Feb 04, the neurologist told me that I had an incurable disease, he didn’t say it was curable with treatment, no its just incurable. I obviously asked a lot of questions but he was adamant that from then on things would go downhill. He told me of the 30 or 40 different symptoms that were common amongst MS patients and tried to prepare me for the worst and what he said was inevitable. Because I flat out refused to take the prescribed drugs he told me I was an idiot and that I’d be in a wheelchair permanently within 6 months if I didn’t take the drugs. I didn’t, nor have ever taken any drugs for MS, he also spent a lot of time explaining that it wasn’t just his view, or every other neurologist in Denver or Colorado or the USA, no it wasn’t just thier opinion it was the opinion of every doctor, neurologist, scientist in the world, so me saying I would beat the disease was laughed at.
I researched and took various supplements (with no side effects) and continued working full time for eight years until I returned to the UK in November 2012.
I remember the comment when I came back and yes at that time I was in a wheelchair. The defeatist remark was “Put him in a hospice”…. that made me so sad and disgusted me to think a family member could give up on me so easily.
If you go to Google and enter the name of any over the counter (OTC) or prescription drug you’ll go to the makers website who by law have to list all known side effects. These side effects Did Happen to the original 100 testers. They won’t necessarily happen to every user and the severity will vary but it is possible that you might experience any of the 20 or 30 or 40 symptoms that could be worse that the symptom you are taking the drug for..
It amazes me that probably 99% of people will simply take it because the drug pusher, sorry, doctor prescribed it, talk about gullible, its absolutely ridiculous.
Anyway I’ve continued to search for a genuine way of beating MS, I think I’ve tried more than 50 different therapies, treatments, operations and supplements including a full dental revision and CCSVI and bee sting therapy.
What I’ve been doing since September 2018 is the Ann Boroch Protocol, she actually healed herself in just over 4 years.
The only real MS symptoms I have now are muscle weakness and spasms. I’m in bed because I seriously buggered my knees in a fall in March last year.
I am beating what the worlds medical experts all say is impossible… is it because I was very physically active before? NO
Is it because I did 834 skydives ? NO
Is it because I did a lot of road running or went to the gym every week?…NO
Am I a superhero…NO
But it is because I refused to put the life sucking drugs in my body and because I REFUSE TO ACCEPT DEFEAT…
My attitude, my mindset and my determination is why I will win…
I’m sure I’ve mentioned on numerous occasions that the heat and humidity are pigs for me, it makes me feel as though every ounce of strength has been sucked out of me, I haven’t been effected for a couple of weeks but Sunday afternoon and evening had me struggling.
But in the main I’m definitely feeling good in what I’m doing, so very optimistic.
Multiple Sclerosis is a hideous disease, slowly but surely making it harder and harder to live, affecting various organs, senses, sight and muscles from doing what they were designed to do, being a believer, like me or not isn’t a factor according to the disease, it doesn’t give a dam of your gender, race, creed, colour or religion, it just grips whoever it wants.
But there are a select few in comparison to the worldwide total who have made the decision to say “No” to the evil, hideous ruiner of lives by taking control of what happens. This is achievable by following a tried, tested and successfully proven method, the Ann Boroch Protocol has provided the method to kick ass… it doesn’t do it or anything, it requires You to do what’s necessary, to not give the hideous s##tbag the foods it thrives on, dairy gluten and sugar have to become “No no’s” in your daily diet.
All things considered I’m stronger better coordinated and free of the majority of MS symptoms. The disease is unrelenting in its constant efforts to ruin my life but like thousands before me I’m beating MS, how?
Because I am better than it…
Moving forward or improving in your health and lessening the debilitating symptoms of any disease and specifically multiple sclerosis is, according to the worlds experts an impossible thing to do. So, those of us doing what “they” say is impossible is a monumental olympian achievement. As “we” know, and I’m referring to those blessed with the opportunity to follow the Ann Boroch Protocol, the challenge or challenges we face can be exacerbated when loved ones or friends think we are being ridiculous and voice thier disapproval of our efforts especially when times are tough. Those particular problems have never applied to me, firstly I don’t have a spouse and secondly and more importantly my immediate family, my beautiful mum and sister Suzie have always been very supportive and never doubted or questioned my decision. The “lifestyle” changes are hard enough without people doubting or questioning the protocol, it’s been genuinely proven thousands of times that it works, it’s bloody hard at times requiring your own discipline and determination to do it properly.
When someone starts on the ABP the changes in dietary choices can be seen as huge but the more you know and understand by reading and re-reading Ann’s books and experiencing the improvents that will happen, the more convinced and focused you’ll become.
Two years after starting the protocol I had an accident seriously damaging my knees which has restricted me somewhat in exercising. But I’ve persevered and apart from muscle weakness and a “hummingbird bladder” the MS symptoms have mostly disappeared which as I’m sure you can understand makes me very happy.
At 5.15 this morning, after 5 hours sleep which is great for me I was able to do an exercise for longer and have better results than at anytime before. How did I do it?
Because I believe in what I’m doing…
Now to start with I’m going to state categorically I am now and will forever be grateful that my friend in Wisconsin that told me about a book she’d heard of called “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by the late (sadly) Ann Boroch, and to the amazing Janet Orchard who has done an incredible, unpaid job! of helping, guiding, motivating and organising this ever expanding group of people on the wonderful path to healing.
The journey I’ve had so far, and am continuing with, since September 2017 has been tough, as it is for everyone, I’m sure I’d be so much closer to healing if I hadn’t had that horrible fall last year which did some serious damage to my knees. That being said the majority of my MS symptoms have gone, my strength and stamina are only a shadow of my former self. The main issue I’ve struggled with since March last year has basically been my knees and my progressively weakened legs but in the main I’m so much better.
Now, getting to the point of this post, as most readers will know I’ve adhered to the ABP 100% until I made an adjustment on May 18th when against my own personal knowledge I started taking 500ml of organic Beetroot juice daily. Again just to clarify, I knew it was against the protocol to be drinking it primarily because of its natural sugar content, but I’d been told of its genuine healing effects by a man, Goff Augustt who said it had completely removed MS from his body. Yes of course I was skeptical but I felt it was worth trying.
The ABP is incredible in healing the body of MS, but to genuinely build my strength knowing I’ve been stuck in bed for seventeen months, just wasn’t happening so in my mind I had nothing to lose by trying the Brj.
At 4.50 this morning I had been awake for 15 or 20 minutes so decided to do my standing up exercise using the Rotunda, this time there was no pulling or heaving involved to stand, today I obviously used the machine for balance but standing up, with a straight back and being like that for a count of 65 seconds and doing it three times felt amazing. Moving back along my bed without assisting my legs to move, then to actually swing each leg back onto bed felt bloody amazing.
I know the brj is supposed to be harmful to my MS body, I’ve been told on numerous occasions that it will cause problems but as I said it’s been more than 77 days now… I was once told to not let my desires, my ego rule my healing process, to listen to my body because it knows best, I’m genuinely feeling great, mentally and physically even though I was informed it wouldn’t happen, so what do I do now, do I tell it its wrong, its not feeling great…
I don’t think so!!!
Having a debilitating disease like multiple sclerosis is bad enough but the fall I had seriously damaging my knees in March 2020 and being confined to bed since has as I’m sure you can appreciate been a tad frustrating and potentially depressing. Following the ABP has obviously helped massively and given me genuine hope… but the knee damage and the enforced confinement has seriously restricted any genuine improvement.
But, and this is where it gets very confusing, nothing new was happening and the natural downward physical slide had inevitably taken hold, until I made an adjustment against advice.
Doing what I intended would supposedly create major problems so I was genuinely confused and torn, “Should I.. or shouldn’t,I…?”
Well it’s day 76 of drinking the beetroot juice and anyone reading my posts will.know I’ve not had any negative side effects but seriously good ones especially when it comes to my legs and my improved physicality.
I’m not a great lover of the taste so I substituted the 500ml of fresh juice with a 70 ml concentrate, giving the same benefits in a much smaller dose.
Having the concentrated juice has given me so much more and I’m very happy, so looking back 76 days and the confusion and indecision going through my mind about the choice I’d made..hmmm.
I think.I was Right…