But it’s…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

But it’s….
Over the past fifteen years or more I’ve always considered myself to have a Hummingbird bladder, that’s because it seemed I only had to look at liquids and need to pee…. very frustrating and inconvenient.
Even before the symptoms of MS had restricted me from working fulltime I always had to consider where the toilets were.
Just driving any distance that would require me to be in a car needed planning…I’ll not get into specifics of how I addressed that problem but I’m sure you can imagine how.
Anyway…. over the years I’ve talked to doctors and various specialists who have all made suggestions, plus hours and hours of personal research have had me trying pharmaceuticals…. which I hated to do but I’ve tried. I think I also tried many combinations of natural supplements but nothing genuinely worked.
At one point I just reduced my fluid intake which is primarily water down to two litres per day..not good.
The need to drink water and absorb electrolytes is especially important to the Ann Boroch Protocol which I painstakingly follow.
The protocol is strict but the fact is that it works, so dairy, sugar, gluten and various other foods are restricted…
Why do I mention this? Well about two months ago I came across some research regarding UTI’s which I’d never considered, nor had any previous consultant, it seemed that I just had a weak bladder
I came across d-mannose, I know, I know its a sugar, there are many research documents in Wikipedia explaining the indepth specifics…far too detailed for me and my limited grey matter…
Basically having an “ose” at the end indicates its a sugar and must be avoided like the plague when following the ABP, but, and I’m saying this not to recommend it to anyone because Ann Boroch knew much,much more about the protocol than me.. taking d-mannose isn’t recommended nor am I suggesting it if you have a Uti, but it’s working for me

Giving up…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I think most people reading my posts will know about my past, I don’t think my history has been worse or easier than anyone else but I’ll give a brief overview here.
Riding fast motorbikes and driving fast cars was definitely something that I enjoyed.
I’d also been very active as a sportsman, skydiving, hang gliding, mountain biking, rock climbing, scuba diving and I had my pilots licence.
My work primarily was in the I.T. industry but prior to returning to the UK I’d spent eleven years in the States where for four years I’d been a director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing.
So when I was officially diagnosed with MS seventeen years ago I initially thought ” oh well, this is a bummer, but I’ll do something to beat it”…
I didnt really understand the complexity of the disease or how difficult it would be to fight and battle against its never ending derogatory effects…
After many, many varying attempts with therapies and operations I started on the latest of what I hope will eventually enable me to actually live again.
The Ann Boroch Protocol has made a difference in my reasoning, of that there is no doubt.
The program is essentially designed to restore the body’s ability to function correctly after removing the toxicity created during the previous years.
My journey was, I thought going in the right direction, that was until a year ago when in my over confidence I had a fall, which in all honesty has kicked my butt.
Being limited by lockdown for everyone isn’t a nice thing, but in my case it’s in my bed for 23 hours everyday, the other hour has been spent in the bathroom, so I’m sure you can understand that my personal lockdown has been a nightmare..
I bought a small pedalling machine that is slowly improving my leg strength although at this time I still need help using it, but its helping me.
The title of this post is “giving up” which I’m sure anyone that has read my previous posts will be shocked and saddened to think the negative effects have eventually quashed my optimism..
But equally, everyone that’s ever read any of my posts will know that there are five hopes of me giving up…
Bob Hope…

No, but it helps…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I’ve had multiple sclerosis for almost a third of my life… I’m not unique, I’m not being punished, it just happened, primarily because I’d eaten the wrong foods and had Mercury amalgam fillings. Just in case anyone is still unaware of the scientifically proven fact that Mercury, the majority of metal in an amalgam filling is the most toxic,.non radioactive substance on earth and its roughly 51% of the filling in your mouth.
Okay Stefan, no ranting, back to the point…
When I was officially diagnosed in Feb 2004, I’d been experiencing symptoms that were changing my life in a very derogatory way for 4 years, I wasn’t able to run or workout in the gym anymore and my life as a very physical man was extremely confusingly over. The various doctors I’d seen had just dismissed the problems as simply effects of a previously physically active life..
I’ve previously stated that because of my experience I’d refused all pharmaceutical drugs especially those masquerading as MS medication, and I’d tried multiple different things including a full dental revision and CCSVI to name a couple. I started on the Ann Boroch Protocol in September 2017 which is making a significant difference.
So it it my family, my incredible 90 Yr old mum and fantastic sister Suzie, is it my great carers, is it the support I have from Janet O, from Torhild in Norway, is it the Ann Boroch Protocol that keeps me so positive and optimistic..
No… but they all help a great deal.
There will be times, hours or even days that for one reason or another they can’t be there to help, that’s not a criticism, far from it, it’s just a fact..
So, what keeps me focused, determined and optimistic…
Me…. because I have to…
Me… because I refuse to give in.
Me… because, regardless of what anyone says or does…not just life, but actually living is the most important thing..
Helping others, especially family and friends is so important to me, but I can only do that if I’m alive and healthy…


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Since being diagnosed with MS, in my case that was February 2004 and I’d been experiencing various symptoms for about four years previously, we are told by a neurologist that we have a disease that the world of medical experts all consider to be incurable… so as we are just people and they are the experts, we just accept what they say.
In my case, being an inquisitive sort of person and not wanting to accept defeat so easily, I ignored the prognosis and refused to take the recommended drugs…
It’s not a nice thing when a highly respected senior neurologist flat out tells you that you are an idiot, which is what happened to me…he also said I’d be in a wheelchair within six months…
As it happens I continued working full time for another 7 years.
My work as a senior director for the world leader in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing was as I’m sure you can imagine, a tad stressful.
I’ve since returned to England after nearly eleven years in Colorado.
Since diagnosis I have researched and either tried or had significant treatments, therapies and operations on top of numerous supplements that did or didn’t make a difference.
So… After reading “Healing Multiple Sclerosis ” by Ann Boroch I tried to not get too excited but her “protocol” and results just seemed far too good to ignore.
September 1st 2017 will forever be considered by me to be “my new life day” as thats when I started on the ABP..
As I’ve said many times before, I’d tried at least fifty, actually it’s closer to seventy different things that all gave me and thousands of others the impression that they would help in my quest to ease or completely remove the cause of this hideous disease..
Sadly they didn’t… until the Ann Boroch Protocol, so trying all those different things hasn’t depressed me, they just showed me seventy different things that don’t work..
If I hadn’t had this “I’ll never be beaten attitude” I would never have heard about or started on this life changing protocol.
So the title of this article is Parachute…
Meaning, the mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work…
Unless it’s open…

Side effects…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Two typical MS drugs are Diazepam and Baclofen..
Both are used by hundreds of thousands of patients.
I wonder if the patients actually knew of the possible side effects, would they continue or even start taking these drugs.
Most drugs are tested on a minimum of 100 people, the side effects, both minor and serious are listed because they have happened, it isn’t a list concocted from the mind of a researcher, they are listed because it has happened to the testers.
When a patient signs for their prescription it’s stating that you acknowledge the possible damaging side effect and will not hold the pharmacy or manufacturer responsible for the possible detrimental effects on your life.

Okay by taking them they are pacifying or masking the symptom not the root cause. That basically means that the user may well have an okay life for a limited time, but at some point their immune system will simply not be able to protect them from the most basic of health issues, can you imagine family saying that he or she was able to live comfortably with multiple sclerosis but a flipping cold killed them.
Two typical MS drugs are Diazapam and Baclofen..

Diazepam belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. A class of drugs refers to medications that work similarly. They have a similar chemical structure and are often used to treat similar conditions.
Diazepam increases the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a special chemical that can send signals throughout your nervous system. If you don’t have enough GABA, your body may be in an excited state and cause you to have anxiety, get muscle spasms, or have seizures. When you take this drug, you’ll have more GABA in your body. This will help decrease your anxiety, muscle spasms, and seizures.

The following is from the makers Web site
Diazepam side effects
Diazepam can cause mild or severe side effects.
Diazepam oral tablet can slow down your brain’s activity and interfere with your judgment, thinking, and motor skills. You shouldn’t drink alcohol or use other drugs that can also slow down your brain’s activity while you’re taking diazepam. You also shouldn’t drive, operate machinery, or do other tasks that require alertness until you know how this drug affects you. There are additional effects that you should also be aware of.
The following list contains some of the key side effects that may occur while taking diazepam. This list does not include all possible side effects. For more information on the possible side effects of diazepam, or for tips on how to deal with a troubling side effect, talk with your doctor or pharmacist.

More common side effects
The more common side effects that can occur with diazepam include:
tiredness or fatigue
muscle weakness
Inability to control muscle movements (ataxia)


dry mouth or excessive saliva

If these effects are mild, they may go away within a few days or a couple of weeks. If they’re more severe or don’t go away, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Serious side effects:
Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects. Call 999 if your symptoms feel life threatening or you think you’re having a medical emergency. Serious side effects and their symptoms can include the following:
Worsening of seizures. Symptoms can include:

Urine infequency.
Increase in severity
Changes in the brain or how you think.
Symptoms can include:depression
Feelings of the room spinning (vertigo)
slowed or slurred speech
Double or blurred vision.
Thoughts of suicide
Memory loss

Unexpected reactions.
Symptoms can include:

Extreme excitement
increased muscle spasms
trouble sleeping.

Liver problems.
Symptoms can include:
Yellowing of your skin or whites of your eyes (jaundice)

Bladder problems.
Symptoms can include:
Inability to urinate
Inability to hold urine
Increase or decrease in sex drive.

Symptoms can include:
Abdominal or muscle cramps

And then there’s Baclofen…

Baclofen controls muscle spasticity in conditions such as multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries. Off-label uses include alcohol dependence, GERD, intractable hiccups, nystagmus, and trigeminal neuralgia.
Usual oral doses range from 5-80 mg daily for spasticity to 270 mg or higher daily for alcohol abuse treatment. Automated Intrathecal delivery through an implanted catheter and pump is an option for those who do not tolerate or respond to oral therapy.
Overdoses occur from large ingestions in abuse or self-harm attempts or from malfunction of an intrathecal assembly. Chronic therapeutic overdose is possible, especially in the elderly and patients with renal impairment, because baclofen is renally excreted. CNS, respiratory, and cardiovascular depression are common with significant overdoses. 
The most striking symptom is prolonged, deep coma with absent brain stem reflexes that may mimic brain death. The Missouri Poison Center has actually halted premature organ harvesting in several overdose cases over the years!

Baclofen stimulates inhibitory GABAB control receptors on excitatory glutamate neurons in the brain and spinal cord. This decreases signals to muscles, which reduces muscle tone and spasticity.
Baclofen kinetics vary in oral versus intrathecal administration. Peak and half-life are prolonged in overdose:

Oral: Peak 1.5 hours, 2-3 hours in overdose; Half-life 5.5 hours, up to 32 hours in overdose
Intrathecal: Peak 4 hours after intrathecal bolus, 24-48 hours after continuous infusionSYMPTOMS OF TOXICITY
Patients typically present with lethargy, weakness, hypotonia, slurred speech and ataxia, and may exhibit hypothermia, abnormal movements, nystagmus, hallucinations, or seizures, cardiac depression with bradycardia and hypotension and deep coma with respiratory depression or apnea are common.
CAUTION: Deep coma with absent brain stem reflexes may mimic brain death!

I tend and prefer to look at the long-term, the big picture..

In the 1960’s a woman called Viv Nicholson was front page news after her husband won more than £150,000 which at that time was like millions today. The headline read..
Spend, Spend, Spend…
As far as I see it, that’s no different in taking drugs that make you feel good in the short term..
It’s okay to want it “now” but in my particular case I have patience and want to live a long time even if it takes years to be healthy..

The Ann Boroch Protocol is what I choose to do, when she developed the protocol it was painstakingly formulated over a four plus year period. She did this by eliminating foodstuffs that were shown to exacerbate candida, which has been proven to be the antagonist in this problem. She worked out which foods helped and which hindered the internal organs from doing what they are meant to do.
Okay, yes it does take a long time to “Heal” the body…… but its making permanent changes, not temporary artificial improvements that disappear when the chemicals aren’t strong enough to mask the problem.
I wrote an analogy several years ago which is worth repeating here…

Imagine coming home and finding your kitchen flooded with water….
The big pharma suggestion is to grab lots of blankets to mop up the continually flowing water…
The Ann Boroch suggestion is to turn the tap off first, then pull the plug out of the overflowing sink..Then… mop the water up..

When looked at like this it’s flipping obvious..

There’s no doubt the pariahs way, oops sorry, the big pharma way will help from a short term point of view, but its not mine…
If someone still has the potential to live another 20, 25 or 30 years then a restrictive 4 or 5 year program is worth persevering with. If on the other hand someone thinks they’ve only got another 8, 9 or 10 yrs left then it’s understandable taking the short term view and option.
But they must understand the likelihood of pharmaceutical side effects..
The only long term side effects from following the Ann Boroch Protocol is…
Good health..