As Ellie Goulding said…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

As Ellie Goulding said……

Thinking back to February 2004 when I was originally diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and the thoughts whizzing through my head, I was understandably perplexed and confused and frustrated.
Only two years earlier I had moved to Denver, Colorado from England because I’d met a woman who I thought was an honourable and truthful person, we got on really well, I don’t think either of us were in love, but we both thought we would be good for each other.
I know, I know !! it was the wrong reason to get married … but we did…
After four years there and working in the I.T industry, I’d read about an incredible man called Dr Hal Huggins who was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing and was looking for a director to work in his organisation. He had been treating patients with MS as he’d found a connection between Mercury, used in amalgam fillings and MS. Over many, many years, lots of research and experiments he had a success rate of 86% in removing the disease.
So after a couple of 3 hour intensive interviews I was offered the position of Client Service Director.
I worked for him for four years and learnt a great deal that helped me cope with my own disease, sadly I was in the 14% of unsuccessful patients.
Anyway during my time there, my not so honorable and truthful wife was having at least one affair so we divorced in May 2008.
Getting on to the point of this post, eventually…..
Between 2004 and 2017 I must have tried at least 50 treatments, therapies, operations including a full dental revision, body chemistry rebalancing, CCSVI, Bee sting therapy and so many supplements that were touted as game changers for MS, but the best any did was to provide a temporary relief from the many symptoms of this hideous disease.
So when I read “Healing Multiple Sclerosis ” by Ann Boroch and her success, I was a little sceptical to say the least, but I decided I’d give it a try and commented about it on Facebook. That’s when I heard from Janet Orchard who explained about her personal journey and amazing success on the protocol so I had no hesitation in making a commitment to doing it.
There’s no doubt that the first two months were damn hard but three years and four months later I can honestly say its the best decision I ever made.
The fall I had back in March definitely slowed my progression down, but I’m still on track and I am 100% certain that I will be healed, yes it will take more than four years, but, no big deal…. I will be one of the thousands that beat this so called incurable disease.
If you’re on the protocol, be strong, determined, focused and believe… if you’re thinking about starting…. as Ellie Goulding said…
“What are you waiting for”….

No not yet, but I’m very…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Everything in the body is made of Proteins…dont misunderstand that, I said Proteins not protein..there are various classifications of foods we all know about, protein, carbohydrates and lipids (fats) but being healthy is not simply a case of just eating protein. Yes there are fewer calories in protein than carbs or lipids, but they also provide much needed nutrition for the body.
I said everything, meaning the organs glands, bones, muscle and connective tissue such as ligaments etc which are constructed by the body when possible from the necessary proteins. I said that the proteins required aren’t simply portions of the protein rich foods we’ve eaten, or not..these proteins are very specific and as everything else is, are made internally from amino acids..
I’m trying my best here to describe an extremely complex function in an easily understandable way, so please just bear with me.
There are 22 amino acids but only 14 can be provided by the foods eaten, the other 8 are extremely special and identified as Essential…. they are differentiated when written by having an L before its specific name. It won’t help by naming them, just know that an amino acid with an L.before it is essential

Anyway, if we could provide the essential amino acids, surely the body would have what it needed to rebuild and repair any particular component in needs. Sadly the answer to that question is no, not exactly because those 8 essential amino acids or EAA’s, need to be in specific proportion to each other.
Let me try to explain in another way….
What have matchsticks, chairs, tables, log cabins and some ocean going yachts have in common? Yes they are all made out of wood, but you wouldn’t try to make a log cabin out of matchsticks would you… although they are all made from wood, its different quality and quantity. The same basic rule applies to EAA’s and what they form as Proteins on route to the reqired need of the body.

This post is basically in regard to the accident I had at the beginning of March. I had been doing really well on the Ann Boroch Protocol and feeling great in my quest to heal my body of multiple sclerosis. To a certain extent I was getting a bit over confident and did more physically than I should have.. consequently the following fall has put my progress back by 9 months. But I honestly believe what I’m now doing is changing that.
I came across some very detailed information regarding not just amino acids or branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s) or EAA’s but Perfect Amino Acids..
Perfect because a 70 year old doctor who compete’s in Iron-man triathlons created them and have a 99% amino acid utilisation, that is quite amazing knowing that eggs have only 47% and that’s more than any other foodstuff.
So my thoughts are that taking them will naturally rebuild my damaged cartilage and help the thigh muscle in both legs.

The posts I write are for two main reasons, I want to document what I’m doing with the ABP and the progress I’m making and to hopefully motivate and inspire others on this journey.
So have my 3 years and 4 months on the protocol healed me of multiple sclerosis …
No not yet, but I’m very optimistic…

What does it take?…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Now the following post is my opinion, but its an educated opinion of a scientifically proven fact….
That fact is that lipospheric vit C will kill all known virus…. I’ll say that again…all known virus including corona virus, Covid 19…

On Sunday last week I noticed a slight problem, more of an irritating problem than something to worry about, a bit of a cough and runny nose which I thought was no more than the basis of a cold so I upped my daily dose of “Lipolife”, the liposomal vit c from 1 x 5ml to 4 x 5ml…
On Monday morning I was feeling a little worse and I now had a strange chesty cough and I felt much weaker, the chesty cough was generating horrible flegm that was really hampering my breathing. definitely prompted me to double the dose over the next 24 hours.
I didnt panic but my thoughts started to wonder if I could have somehow caught that freaking corona virus, the only people I come into contact with are my carers, did I mention that I have multiple sclerosis? Well I have had it for almost seventeen years but have never taken any pharmaceutical medication for it, but thats another story.

Thinking about covid 19 thats killed hundreds of thousands of people in the past 8 or 9 months and my particular situation, I am a prime candidate…male over 65 yr old, and overweight.

I wasn’t scared or overly worried because I absolutely believe the information provided by Dr Thomas E Levy M.D J.D who helped develop the liposomal vit c..
A liposome is a nano sized particle almost exactly like a human cell, hundreds of thousands of them completely encapsulate the vitamin. So it passes safely through saliva, the esophagus, the stomach, the intestines until it is broken down in the small intestine and absorbed by the body.
Liposomal vit c is 8.25 times more effective than orally taken or intravenous vit c.

So between Monday 2nd November and Sunday 8th I’ve taken more than 100 x 5ml doses of liposomal vit C..
I personally use “Lipolife Gold” which is made in the UK and does not have any connections with China.

Going back to Thursday and Friday evening which was the worst time for me, my head was terribly stuffy, nose running, the back of my neck was aching like hell. The chesty cough was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, my whole body spasmed, it felt like the cough was echoing inside of a cavernous chamber inside me. I was terribly weak, much more so than the problems created through MS, the worst part was the flegm that for no apparent reason, no warning it would suddenly block my airways which resulted in ten or fifteen seconds of no breathing, just a completely blocked throat, I can honestly say that during that short time which felt like eternity, I honestly felt I was over, done, bye bye life..
Anyway I did the NHS test on Saturday and the results show that I didn’t have corona virus at the time of testing, the wording in the results didn’t say that I “don’t” have coronavirus….it says I “didn’t” have it when the test was done. Again I’m stating the the lipospheric vitamin c kills all known virus and I took copious amounts after my symptoms started.
I’m 95% back to normal, obviously my normal isn’t the same as normal for an able bodied person.
Having multiple sclerosis means I have a severely compromised immune system, but I’m good, I’m not concerned, or suffering anymore.
I just wish that the governments of the world would wake up and start administering lipospheric vit C instead of wasting time, money and most importantly human life looking for a vaccine.

I honestly believe that I had coronavirus and as the results clearly state, I didn’t have it at the time of testing which was 5 days after I started taking megadoses of lipospheric vit C..

So going back to the title of this post…

“What does it take?….

Three bottles of Lipospheric vitamin C…

How do I cope…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

How do I cope…

At this point in time, I’m not referring to the time of day as its only 04.25 a.m., I’m referring to my life 24 hrs per day, the overall feelings that dominate my life, are Pain, that can be grouped into three sections, constant….bearable and intense… The constant part comes from just having multiple sclerosis which I’ve had for almost seventeen years, there are teenagers, adolescents and kids that have been alive for fewer years than I’ve been in pain…. frightening when you think about it. The bearable part I try to hide from others in conversation with me, I don’t want them to see it. The intense part is obviously during shorter periods, they are mainly, not only, but mainly when I first wake up early in the morning and can be associated with sciatica such as now as I’m writing, the intensity makes me grimace and stop what I’m doing, for instance the intense unbeable pain has struck 4 times while I’ve been writing the first part of this post and I’m sure will happen ten more times before I finish.
In addition to Pain is Frustration, Weakness and Anxiety…
So those four emotions and overall feelings are the dominant players in my life which in reality could very easily lead me down the road to depression and desperation.
The way I prevent that from happening is by constantly telling myself that those things are only temporary which is a difficult thing to do knowing that’s been for 25% of my whole existence.
I sleep for as little as three hours on some days, to five hours on good days, last night was horrible for me, hence a three hour sleep.
Taking off the sleep time, bathroom, then eating, it leaves as much as twenty hours or eighteen hours to fill, so I Read, Research, Write, Watch TV, play games and talk to Gaby, the love of my life…
I firmly believe by following the ABP that my body will be healed of this hideous disease, I’ve recently been incorporating something else to help the physical problems incurred by the fall in March, did I also point out that I’ve been in bed since then, no I didnt, but I have…
When you’re in bed, seeing the same walls for twenty three and a half hours everyday and only sleeping for a short time, the last thing, the very last thing I need is to cope with another person’s bad, childish attitude….. I can’t escape from it, I can’t just walk away…
I have to come to terms with it, I have to justify things, its very difficult when taking everything else into consideration…
I know, not think, not hope, I absolutely know I will heal my body, it might be after four years on the protocol, unlikely…. it might be four and a half years or five years, I’m not sure which but its definitely happening.
I also know that Gaby and I love each other and intend to marry, the pandemic and a couple of other things are preventing that for now, but they are just temporary road blocks.
So as you can see, there are many, many challenges restricting me at this time, its not easy, so how do I cope?


Why the ABP…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Why the ABP…
Almost three years and two months ago I started meticulously following the Ann Boroch Protocol. For those that aren’t aware of what that is, its a 4 year plus dietary program designed to progressively eliminate the foodstuffs, the main offenders from our diet, not temporarily, permanently and with the aid of certain supplements we can gradually rejuvenate the internal workings of our body, when done properly to self heal the ravages done by multiple sclerosis. I say multiple sclerosis because that is the “supposedly incurable disease” that Ann Boroch had been suffering from, but in reality the protocol will provide the same results for people suffering from many other diseases.
The protocol is not some weird and wonderful quick fix, its not a miracle pill that “cures” any disease. Far from it, the protocol doesn’t “cure” anything, what it does do is enables your body, that amazingly complex organism that “you live in” to “Heal itself”…..there’s no “curing” involved….its just removing the roadblocks restricting your blood, your organs and enzymes from doing what they were designed to do.
Getting back to September 1st 2017, which will always be thought of by me to be the day my new life began. Admittedly September was a pig when looking back as thats the month, month one, that’s when the majority of the bad effects of food elimination kicked my ass…
It would have been easy to just stop what I was doing which on the surface made me feel so much worse. But because I’d read the book, “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch and because of the wonderful support from Janet, I was able to “stick with it”….
Month two and three were much easier, its just a case of reading, rereading the book and believing that the healing will happen.
As I said, its not a quick fix, ridding the body of the multiple “symptoms ” takes time, its not 4 years specifically, its however long it takes, it might be 4 1/2 or 5 years, its a “lifestyle change”.
So three years and two months in and I’m genuinely happy with the progress I’m making, a fall that was my own fault has created some problems and slowed my progress down a little, but I’m still healing my body.
The title of this post is a question….
“Why the ABP”….
The answer is….
Because it works…